Elizabeth Rivelli
Elizabeth Rivelli

Elizabeth Rivelli

Resides In

New England


Northeastern University


Life Insurance, Homeowners Insurance, Health Insurance, Personal Finance


  • 2+ years writing about insurance providers, policies and industry trends for finance-focused businesses and digital publications
  • Contributor to Investopedia and The Balance
  • Bylines on sites such as Bankrate, NextAdvisor, Money Under 30, The Simple Dollar and Reviews.com


Elizabeth is a personal finance contributor for Investopedia, with a focus on property and casualty and life insurance. She regularly covers auto, home, renters, and life insurance, including provider reviews and best carrier roundups. 

Over the last several years, Elizabeth has covered property and casualty insurance in a variety of online finance publications, including Money Under 30, Bankrate, NextAdvisor, Insurance.com, CNET, and others. She has also written for several insurance carriers.


Elizabeth graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Communication Studies from Northeastern University in Boston.

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