Funeral tributes to much loved Tralee doctor Michael McGrath

Dr Michael McGrath.

Stephen Fernane

Tributes were paid to Dr Michael Francis McGrath during his Funeral Mass on Friday morning at St John the Baptist Church in Tralee.

Mass for the popular GP and County Westmeath man was concelebrated by Bishop of Kerry Ray Browne, also a native of Westmeath.

Dr McGrath came to Tralee in January 2001 and worked at the Carraig Medical Centre where he interacted with patients and colleagues in a spirit of care and collegiality. Warm tributes were paid to Dr McGrath by his friend and colleague, Dr Pat English.

Mr English spoke of the ‘huge benefit’ to Tralee that Dr McGrath’s 23-years as a GP in the town had created, and for having set a standard of care that many GPs aspire to but few attain.

“Michael was a total gentleman. He was kind and caring, sincere and compassionate,” Dr English told the congregation.

“To meet Michael was to be met by a smiling face and a soft, gentle voice. He had a natural gift to put patients at their ease. Michael showed empathy and understanding to all. Michael only saw the best in everyone. He treated everyone with respect and dignity and was dedicated to helping others,” Dr English added.

He also spoke of Dr McGrath’s natural affinity with patients and the time he gave to each of them: listening and making them feel important was his strength.

“Michael was a very sincere, humble, unassuming, but confident man. He was respected, trusted and loved by all who encountered him, whether patients, colleagues or otherwise. This is indeed obvious from the beautiful condolences received,” Dr English said.

“Throughout all the years, Michael never changed. Total dedication to work and devotion to family continued. Michael once shared with me that he had no wishes to be in a big group practice situation. He told me that he learned a lot from an aunt of his who owned a small sweet shop. She never enlarged to a supermarket style, though she was successful,” he said.

Dr English referred to Dr McGrath’s ‘style of practice’ as one that is personal with a sincere approach throughout. He described him as a competent and compassionate family doctor.

“He loved to do house calls, thus becoming a more integrated part of the family. Any patient who needed to be seen was seen on the same day. Michael was a GP trainer. Doctors who became his registrars were fortunate to have such a special, informed, supportive, and encouraging teacher. His style of practice was thus passed on to those lucky enough to have had him as their teacher,” Dr English said.

“He was very much liked and respected by his colleagues. A huge void has occurred that will be very hard to fill. For Michael to undertake his style of practice, he required an equally good team of friends at Carraig Medical Centre.

"Margaret has asked me to express her sincere gratitude and appreciation to you all. Her thanks and appreciation also goes to [Michael’s] wonderful friend and colleague, Dr Ken Holmes, who covered his practice on Thursday half days for many years. Thank you, Ken,” he added.

Dr English said he had never heard a ‘bad word spoken’ about Dr McGrath and how he was admired and respected by everyone he encountered.

“He enriched the lives of all, a rare attribute to anyone. Michael’s true love in life was his beloved Margaret and his precious and treasured daughter, Rosanna. Discussing them both was a familiar part of Michael’s interaction with patients on a daily basis. His love for you both was truly love in action,” he said.

Dr English concluded: “Michael’s passing has caused huge grief but this is equalled by your love for Michael. The sense of loss that his passing brings.

"Tralee has lost a great doctor. We, as colleagues, have lost a great friend. You, his family, allow yourselves to be proud knowing that Michael is yours, and may treasured, beautiful and loving memories of a wonderful man keep Michael forever close to your hearts.

“To those who have died, to those we love, I cannot see you but I can feel your presence. I cannot see you but I can hear your voice, I cannot see you but I can touch you gently for you are always by my side.”