If you look back on previous seasons, Melisandre has been given an exclusive preview of various plot developments but like any classic 'tinfoil theory' on a message board, has misinterpreted them. Despite this, the ending of this destined to be classic episode is a window into Melisandre's true powers and tells us that while human vice has threatened her clarity of perception, she does have a divine purpose as her centuries old survival proves.
Perhaps those who doubted that Melisandre's blood magic ritual in Season 3 could have set the Red and Purple Wedding events in motion will now reconsider the vital role of this character in clearing the chessboard for the true war to commence. With all of these engrossing plot lines in motion, it seems to me that characters like Melisandre and Bran Stark have always served as the essential players in a much deeper story, so whilst the Littlefingers and Varyses manipulate the game of thrones, Melisandre envisions the song of ice and fire in which the great game will eventually be consumed.
Through actions both hideous (the sacrifice of Shireen) and heroic (her validation of Jon Snow), Melisandre has moved through the series as a serene constant: highly organised and efficient and inured by an enormous responsibility. With her elegant gravitas, Carice van Houten has manifested the mystical potency of this saga as few others could and if the ending of this stunning episodes proves anything, it is that she has excelled in making the mythical heart of the story come alive for us all.