There's nothing better than when Slasher bucks tradition and lets its characters be more awful than its killer. Psyche. It happens every year, but the show really has found a gem in Florence. Not hours after the public execution of the family's golden boy, Florence has picked a fight with the mother and put upon staff. The ensuing cat fight with bottles, knives and cuttinf boards will go down in history. And massive kudos to Sabrina Grdevich, Patrice Goodman and Rachael Crawford for selling the scene. This family really is vile, and the way they scream and hiss while jamming glass into legs or cracking heads off tile, is a brilliantly savage moment of catharsis for three characters who have a lot to get off their chest.
Not to be stopped, Florence runs out and presumably murders someone, having lost the fight. Slasher is firing on all cylinders. Who needs a killer when they're all ready to do worse to one another already?
Luckily, the gentleman (as he's known), does get a victim. It would appear the losers of the challenges are being targeted, but both deaths at his hands have been coincidental. Which brings into question, are the characters just unlucky, stupid, or is the writing just being a little lazy. Of course, not as offensive as Allison not even attempting to jump out the limo when she saw who was driving, but it's stretching credulity that he's just happened to catch the right victim at the right time.
Christy continues to be a saint, offering an endearing confession to young O'Keefe about her love for husband Seamus. She's either gping ghe whole way, or some nasty fate is befalling her. Although whether she'll change her mind when she finds out about her hubbie's extra marital affairs, remains to be seen!