Honestly i don't know why and how Netflix shut down this project after delivering a rich and complex story filled with powerful characters well delivered.
I do understand that the first episodes may be hard to follow because a lot is happening at the time and we don't have a clue of what is going on, but that changes later and it's very fun trip, you go from an historical set to a horror mood and end up in a sci-fi genre. It's mind blowing how the story change.
I was watching episode 5 when i heard the show was canceled, and at the time i was already engaged and full fan of the serie, it was so upsetting but either way i was settled to watched the remains episodes and i'm glad i did. It's a masterpiece in many terms: The production, the photography, the character's arc, the story, the art... Netflix just deprived us one of the best original shows going now.
Congratulations to the team behind and the creators.