I remember this series with a lot of fondness...! Set in 1950's Montreal, it focused on a working class French Canadian family, centering on their trials, tribulations as they struggled to cope with keeping the family together...Maman Plouffe was the strength, the heartbeat of the family as she provided the love and the inspiration needed by her husband, her 3 adult children..2 sons...there is also an adult daughter who is married to a bus driver...Amazingly enough, the English language version was extremely popular outside of Quebec, to the point wherein, at one point Maman was taken ill and had fallen into a coma..at the same time, a producer's (?) strike put the series on hiatus..when the strike ended, the series took up where it had left off with Maman coming out of her coma! When the series finally ended, an attempt was made to keep it's cultural popular going with sort of a sequel involving their snobbish relatives in Quebec City called (I think) The Town Above, but the magic wasn't there anymore..the mood was really drab...the buoyant spirit was just missing...