Enough said.
A successful surgeon visiting his past and never realizing the havoc that was caused in the multiple lives (that he genuinely cared for) due to something that he neglected to do. There was a reason of course, but a superficial one which he recognizes too late. The plot revolves around the life and heartbreaking fate of Chanda and her daughter Kajali due to his self-absorption. In the first half Sanjeev presents a master-class of immense acting...you cry when he cries ( he cries only once) but you also cry when he is hit with a proverbial emotional brick. He totally reveals the complex emotional whiplash that he suffers as the details on Chanda and later Kajali' lives are revealed. The last quarter belongs to Sharmeela in the daugher's role. What she does when she finds out the real identity of Sanjeev ....is extremely impactful and masterfully emoted. That scene makes the movie come together in ways that otherwise would not be possible.
There are some minor flaws that do not impact the plot....not much is revealed about Sanjeev's current life. Also the peripheral characters in Sanjeev's life are given only a weak presentation although the women in Sharmeela's life are given the needed depth. But they do not distract from the powerful emotionality of the movie....
This movie was made more than 40 years ago. It is interesting to think if Bollywood is capable of making this movie again?? possible but perhaps unlikely--and it is not because talents like Sanjeev Kumar may not be available (which may indeed be true)-but primarily that Bollywood "mores" on handling the love stories have changed...watch the movie closely ---and watch what Kajali's only love Kundan does when he loses her. It is a powerful scene in its own right. Would you blame Kundan? How will Gulzar rewrite Chanda's character if he were to write this story today??? same or different?
See it and be amazed.