The film revolves around Mohan (Kumar), a wealthy brat who is raised by his hot tempered, arrogant father (Kanhaiyalal). When his father forces him to get married and settle down, Mohan secr... Read allThe film revolves around Mohan (Kumar), a wealthy brat who is raised by his hot tempered, arrogant father (Kanhaiyalal). When his father forces him to get married and settle down, Mohan secretly employs a cheerful dancing girl, Chanda (Bali), to pose as his wife in front of his p... Read allThe film revolves around Mohan (Kumar), a wealthy brat who is raised by his hot tempered, arrogant father (Kanhaiyalal). When his father forces him to get married and settle down, Mohan secretly employs a cheerful dancing girl, Chanda (Bali), to pose as his wife in front of his parents.