Suspenseful and twisty. Enjoyable watch
1 January 2024
Other half and I did the series in 2 nights. Kept us guessing throughout, everyone a suspect and our theories were changing each episode. I did work out the ending, other half didn't, though I am a fan of this genre and can pre-empt the story, usually.

The cast were great, Colin Morgan is so good at everything he does. The female lead was not known to me and she played the part wonderfully. I think some people aren't getting the point that her character is a ruthless Barrister who wants to win, this is the whole reason she's in this mess, no? She certainly played the part well. In real life, defense lawyers/barristers are ruthless, they defend criminals for goodness sake, it's known that people have walked free of murder charges as they got off on technicalities with a good defence tactic. Its happened. So Ingrid being selfish, single minded and walking over people fits with the type.

There are some aspects that one must chalk up to poetic licence, like police procedure / court procedure, but it is a fictional tv show.

Deserves much more than the low ratings it's getting here. The acting was great, the scene setting was fine, story developed well with plenty twists and turns, drama, suspense and the main female character, Ingrid, did have a decent character arc as by the end she had some awareness of the damage her 'win at all costs' attitude has done.

Yes it wasn't brilliant or perfect. But it is definitely worth watching if you like this genre.
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