Cuffs (2015)
British Police.... hahaha
12 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
For Americans watching this show, we are immediately struck by how weak and ineffectual the British police are. They don't carry guns, most don't carry tasers, they aren't allowed to speed even when chasing criminals... "you do not have the authority to break the speed limit"... is a direct quote from the third episode of season 1, while chasing an escaped prisoner!!!

Imagine a little old lady living all alone out in the country. Her house is once again being robbed, some thugs are coming in late at night to steal from her, she grabs a shotgun and kills one of them. Here in America we laugh, we rejoice, we say "good for her", and every high-fives each other. Life goes on, just with one less piece of trash thug in the world. But in Britain, it's a tragic event. They mourn the thug, they arrest the little old lady and send her to prison where she will die.

There is a reason that country is crumbling while America is flourishing. This show highlights that in so many ways. British cops are so incredibly useless. The thugs carry on their crimes right in front of them and the cops are pretty much powerless to do anything except watch and say "Hey, come on guys, stop that..."

I predict Britain will fall in my lifetime. In fact, the only...and I mean ONLY thing that will keep Britain from falling is their contrite submission to all the evils of the world including the UN which will - within a decade or so - invade and conquer them. Brits never learn. Americans do.
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