At this stage you can't even feel bad for Penny anymore for having bad friends, she is just as guilty as the others for backstabbing when it comes to jealousy, the storyline was poorly handled. Generally Penny is the person standing up for what is right, Trudy and Oscar were notably missing in this instance from their parenting roles as Zoey was unfairly singled out and treated poorly due to her appearance. There could have been a great message within this episode but it was avoided, instead with the message being "If you are not conventionally attractive, stay in your lane."
To add to this, there seems to have been a lot of ret-conning of the characters and hack plot points that make little to no sense, why do Penny and Dijonay care if Noah didn't choose them? They already have boyfriends, Maya is unecessarily antagonistic when she despises drama, the message of colorism was lost in its entirety and it became a bullying segment.