Irving Sorkin का जन्म 14 दिसंबर 1918 को हुआ था।Irving Sorkin Something the Lord Made (2004) में अपने काम के लिए मशहूर हैं।उनकी मृत्यु 18 अक्तूबर 2007 को हुई थी।
In 1989 he read an article by Kate McCabe in "Washingtonian" magazine. It was about a partnership between white surgeon Alfred Blalock and his black assistant Vivien Theodore Thomas. They developed surgical techniques that led to the advent of modern heart surgery. Sorkin was determined to see the true story made into a film. He finally saw his dream come true when HBO produced Something the Lord Made (2004) in 2004, starring Alan Rickman and Yasiin Bey.