"Radioverture" Premiered in June 1924 at the Strand Theater in Brooklyn, New York. It depicts a series of musical excerpts, instrumental and vocal, as done on radio, with the customary interruptions, squeals, static and code. Composer M.L. Lake's own description on the cover page of the sheet music refers to it as "a descriptive overture illustrating the trials and tribulations of the radio fan, beset by constant interruptions".
Mayhew Lester Lake was born 25 October, 1879 in Southville, Massachusetts, USA. As composer or arranger he used many pseudonyms, including Lester Brockton, Alfred Byers, Paul Du Lac, Mayhew Beaulac and William Lester. He died 16 March, 1955 in Palisades, New Jersey, USA.