This is a pretty exciting TV show from FOX that is about an amnesia-plagued man dubbed John Doe and played by Dominic Purcell, who possesses a wealth of encyclopedia knowledge and is pursued by an obscure and foreign organization called "The Phoenix" to do some sort of mysterious and secret experiment.
Each episode has its own intriguing and unique flavor, not straying from the plot but also not dragging on to make the show pointless and boring. And, each episode gives its own taste of suspense, making you wonder more and more where "John Doe" comes from and what is the truth behind his knowledge and background.
The final episode of Season One ends in a twist and unmasks the main villain. However, the cliffhanger was not elaborated on as the series was canceled after the first season. It is too bad - this show had great potential and is what I think one of the better TV dramas of the 2000s.
Grade B+