

About Imatest

June 26, 2024
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Imatest Provides third-party, objective image quality testing to meet your needs. If you’re new to testing or unfamiliar with image quality metrics, we’re here to help. Supplement your report with an expert analysis of your results, with specific interpretation of output metrics for your particular device and application. We know that each test lab setup is unique to the needs of your company, and Imatest can cater your test lab service goals.

Jul 2, 2018
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This video provides 8 reasons why companies choose Imatest, and explains how Imatest can bring value to you.

June 28, 2017
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This videos provides an brief overview of Imatest software and its capabilities.

June 12, 2019
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This video provides a history of Imatest software and describes it's capabilities.

June 15, 2022
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Watch an interview with Imatest from Autosens Detroit 2022.

Getting Started

Aug 27, 2018
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To begin measuring image quality factors with Imatest software, it is important to set up a controlled lab environment with proper charts and lighting, tailored to the system you are testing.

Aug 27, 2018
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Before performing image quality testing, consider your unique requirements and lab environment variables including imaging system alignment, test/focusing distance, camera support, lighting, and chart selection/mounting.

Sept 6, 2018
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Even, glare-free illumination is essential for achieving accurate, repeatable measurements. Learn about the most important factors to consider when selecting proper lighting for your image quality testing requirements.

Aug 22, 2023
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mage quality test charts should be mounted on a smooth flat surface, like an acrylic board, to ensure no blemishes, bends, or bubbles occur that negatively impact image quality measurements. Imatest offers the option to professionally mount our test charts on acrylic or E-panel.

Oct 18, 2018
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Lenses with normal, wide, ultra-wide, and narrow fields-of-view will determine the charts and equipment you need to properly test your camera systems.

Nov 20, 2018
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The design, size, and substrate of your test charts are determined by the resolution of your sensor, field of view and working distances of your lens, and the image quality factors you need to test.

Aug 15, 2022
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Learn how to use our Imatest Master software.

Image Quality Factors

Nov 7, 2016
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The highest quality images are created by optimizing many key image quality factors. Sharpness determines the amount of detail an imaging system can reproduce. Learn how to optimize sharpness in your camera system using Imatest.

Jan 16, 2017
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The highest quality images are created by optimizing many key image quality factors. Noise is an undesirable random spatial variation, visible as grain in film, or pixel level fluctuation in digital images. Learn how Noise effects your camera system using Imatest.

Feb 21, 2017
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Lateral chromatic aberration (LCA), AKA lateral chromatic displacement (LCD) and "color fringing", is a lens aberration that causes colors to focus at different distances from the image center. It is most visible near the corners of images. In this video, we will explain the techniques used to measure for LCA.

Apr 17, 2017
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Learn the basics of testing color accuracy, including how to process RAW images, measurement techniques, and how to encode color for human perception.

May 16, 2017
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The highest quality images are produced by optimizing many key factors. Dynamic Range is characterized by the ratio between the highest light intensity that a camera system can capture and the darkest tones that become indistinguishable from noise. Dynamic range measurements are useful for optimizing system performance and for verifying camera design specifications. Informed consumers seek camera systems with superior dynamic range, which can capture information in dark shadows while maintaining detail in brighter areas.

Jun 9, 2017
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ISO Sensitivity (or ISO speed) is a measure of how strongly an image sensor and/or camera responds to light. The higher the sensitivity, the less light (smaller aperture and/or shorter exposure time) required to capture a good quality image.

Jun 9, 2017
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Lens shading, Light falloff & Vignetting: Where your image becomes darker the further you get from the center. This is due to the radial nature of the lens which collects more light in the center. It can be particularly strong with wide angle lenses. Non-uniformity is also caused by the chief ray angle of light incident to the sensor which has reduced quantum efficiency as the angle increases.

Jun 27, 2017
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Lens (optical) distortion is an aberration that causes straight lines to curve near the edges of images. It can be troublesome for architectural photography and photogrammetry (measurements derived from images).


Software Releases

Jan 10, 2024
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Imatest 23.2 improves Stray Light, Resolution, Dynamic Range. Also learn about Test Lab Services.

May 3, 2023
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Imatest 23.1 features improved settings in GUI, new slanted-edge-based measurements, EMVA 1288 additions, arbitrary charts video, exposure and distortion support, Gamutvision incorporation, and more. Learn more at

Oct 11, 2022
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Imatest 22.2, release on October 11, 2022, includes Stray light (flare) analysis, AE & AWB measurements in color/tone, stereo image compatibility in Focus Field, and enhanced image preview. Learn more at

May 1, 2022
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Imatest 22.1, released on August 30, 2022, includes Automatic Chart Identification, Internationalization, ISO 12233 Standards Support, Sagittal/Tangential MTF Plot Updates, and more. See

November 17, 2021
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Imatest 2021.2 released November 17, 2021, includes a New Main Window User Interface, File First workflow, Dark Mode, and more. See

APR 22, 2021
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Imatest Master can perform real time analysis of a wide range of camera systems. For more about our latest release, see

Sep 19, 2017
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Imatest 5.0 includes groundbreaking additions to expand the capabilities of your image quality testing pipeline. For more information, please visit

Sep 20, 2016
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With enhancements and additions for a variety of industries, Imatest 4.5 provides you with all of your image testing needs.

Sep 15, 2015
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Imatest 4.2 adds new image quality measurements features, enabling MTF testing for wide field-of-view lenses with SFRreg, and an estimation of an imaging system's point spread function.

Product Overviews

May 9, 2023
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The VCX WebCam Studio is a comprehensive target designed to measure a variety of Image Quality Factors. This target is designed according to VCX Webcam standard specifications. The chart contains the Calibrite Classic ColorChecker, Siemens star, spilled coins/dead leaves texture, and slanted edge targets. The VCX webcam studio optionally includes motorized head turner and two different mannequin heads—one with a dark skin tone (Richard) and a second with a light skin tone (Alexis), which are used to compare the behavior of auto white balance (AWB) and auto exposure (AE) algorithms under various conditions. The rotary head turner can turn the head to look away from the camera for testing of adaptive auto-exposure in video webcams. Optionally includes Camera Timing System LED-Panel for timing testing and/or a Specbos spectraradiometer for measuring the lighting spectrum.

April 15, 2024
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The motorization of each Modular Test Stand axis allows for automated positioning of your Camera. Create automated test plans with many camera-to-chart test distances. Perform live depth of field tests using computer controlled stages with precise linear motion . You can easily upgrade your existing Modular Test Stand. Imatest now offers the Z-Stage, lifting column, and fully motorized XYZ options, which can also be combined with the motorized Gimbal. The Imatest Control API allows for seamless control of all axes over a USB serial connection.

Jul 10, 2023
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The Imatest Benchtop Test Stand (BTS) is an easy-to-use, modular platform for image quality testing. The fixture is well-suited for testing endoscopes. • Quickly test endoscopes and medical devices for sharpness, color accuracy, and more with an optional mount designed for endoscopes. • Derive objective metrics such as normalized stray light (flare) using images captured with the stray light module. • Perform long-range testing in a confined space using the target projector module.

Aug 10, 2020
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The Imatest Reflective Module is designed to work with Kino Flo Freestyle 31 lights and reflective charts. High-quality hardware allows you to effortlessly position lights, while angle and position markers indicate light bank locations for repeatable lighting configurations. The Imatest Wide Field of View (WFOV) Module provides an easy to use platform for testing sharpness of cameras with FOV up to 200 degrees.

Nov 6, 2020

Imatest 2020.2 has been sped up to the point where real-time focusing is possible.
A brief explanation is required. Broadly speaking, Imatest can analyze images from two types of source.

Jun 1, 2020
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Light Control in Imatest Master 2020.1 gives users the opportunity to fine tune and control their laboratory setup directly from Imatest using tools designed specifically with image quality testing in mind.

Jun 29, 2017
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Imatest provides customers with objective measurements and insights for the development and production of imaging systems.

Sept. 19, 2017
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Used by hundreds of companies for developing and testing digital cameras and imaging systems, Imatest Master allows users to test for a variety of image quality factors, including the ability to analyze over 30 test charts with different features for measuring color, tone, sharpness and more.

Aug 18, 2015
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Overview of the powerful capabilities of Imatest Industrial Testing Edition. Using Imatest’s algorithms, Imatest IT generates rigorous and repeatable image quality results for manufacturing and quality control.

Mar 4, 2015
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The ISO 12233:2014-compliant eSFR ISO test chart enables calculation of a number of image quality factors, including but not limited to spatial frequency response, chromatic aberration, tonal response, gamma, white balance and color reproduction.

Apr 1, 2015
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The key differences between SFRplus and eSFR ISO are outlined. These charts share many similar features and can be used to perform many similar image quality analyses. Understanding which features differ will help you select the most appropriate test chart to analyze your imaging systems.

Feb 2, 2015
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The elements of the SFRplus test chart enable calculation of a number of image quality factors, including but not limited to spatial frequency response, geometric distortion, tilt, chromatic aberration, tonal response, gamma, white balance and color reproduction.

Sep 16, 2015
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Imatest SFRreg performs highly automated measurements of sharpness and lateral chromatic aberration from images that contain registration mark patterns: circles with two light and two dark quadrants. Unlike standard test charts, these patterns do not need to be located on a flat surface.

Sep 16, 2015
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Imatest can estimate an imaging system’s loss of resolution (point spread function) using a pair of collocated, near-sagittal and tangential slanted edges on SFRplus, eSFR ISO and SFRreg targets. Easily analyze and improve sharpness, chromatic aberration, and distortion measurements.

In the Lab

September 4, 2024
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Understanding the performance of an imaging system at its operational working distance is crucial, but testing these systems at long distances isn’t always practical, especially in a production environment. Relay lenses can be used to effectively simulate longer test distances ranging from several meters to infinity. The Imatest Collimator Fixture (ICF) incorporates a relay lens and a test chart along with high precision motorized stages for automated positioning of your camera and target. To validate this lens formula and the fixture itself, we compare the MTF values from real-world images with those from the collimator fixture.

October 29, 2020
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The WFOV Module is an add-on to Imatest’s Modular Test Stand and provides an easy-to use-platform for sharpness testing of wide FOV camera systems up to 200º. The fixture integrates with the Kino Flo LED Freestyle 31 lights. Here we walk you through how to implement this system in your lab setting. Learn More

August 18, 2021
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This video takes you through two processes for centering a target with your camera system.

Measuring and Reading IQ Plots

Mar 21, 2017
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Reading an Imatest Plot Episode 1: Tonal Response, White Balance, and Gamma.

Mar 2, 2020

Reading an Imatest Plot Episode 2: Noise and Dynamic Range

Mar 2, 2021
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ISO 17957 Shading Measurements new in Imatest version 2020.2


Industry Events

Oct 11, 2023
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Imatest attended Autosens Brussels where we demonstrated the BTS Stray light & Target Projector, and Norman Koren presented Information Capacity and related measurements (NEQ, SNRi and more), which are camera image quality metrics that hold strong promise of accurately predicting machine vision performance.

Jun 19, 2017
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Imatest’s Norman Koren presents his vision for challenges in automotive image quality testing.
This video was previously recorded at Autosens Detroit 2017, the world’s leading vehicle perception conference. See more more at

Feb 17, 2015
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The slanted-edge method of measuring the spatial frequency response (SFR) as an approximation of the modulation transfer function (MTF) has become a well known and widely used image quality testing method over the last 10 years. This method has been adopted by multiple international standards including ISO and IEEE. Nearly every commercially available image quality testing software includes the slanted-edge method.


Mar 2, 2021
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ISO 17957 Shading Measurements new in Imatest version 2020.2

June 23, 2021
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EMVA1288 Machine Vision introduced in Imatest Version 2020.2


Speeding up videos

A Video Speed Controller is available on the chrome web store.

If you prefer to use the console, follow these steps for Google Chrome:

  1. Open the video.
  2. Hit ctrl+shift+I or right-click then choose Inspect to view the HTML for the web page. It will show up to the right of the video.
  3. Click on the Console tab.
  4. To increase the playback speed, for example by 1.5×, type “document.querySelector(‘video’).playbackRate = 1.5;” then press Enter.
  5. To return to normal speed, enter the same command with the playbackRate set to 1: “document.querySelector(‘video’).playbackRate = 1;”.
    (You can copy and paste the text in steps 4 and 5.)