Anastasia Bakogianni and Luis Unceta Gómez (eds.)
Classical Reception: New Challenges in a Changing World
Series: Trends in Classics - Pathways of Reception. De Gruyter (2024)
With contributions by Imagines' members Anastasia Bakogianni, Martina Treu and Luis Unceta Gómez.
Martin Lindner and Nils Steffensen (eds.)
Ergon 2023.
With contributions by Imagines' members Anastasia Bakogianni, Luis Unceta Gómez and Martin Lindner.
Anastasia Bakogianni (ed.)
Ancient Greek and Roman Multi-Sensory Spectacles of Grief
thersites 9, 2019.
Luis Unceta Gómez and Carlos Sánchez Pérez (eds.)
En los márgenes de Roma – La Antigüedad romana en la cultura de masas contemporánea
Madrid: Catarata, 2019.
Filippo Carlà-Uhink and Maja Gori (eds.)
Modern Identities and Classical Antiquity
thersites 10, 2019.
Arnaud Dubois, Jean-Baptiste Eczet, Adeline Gran-Clément and Charlotte Ribeyrol (eds.)
Bibliothèque de l’Anthropologie
Paris: CNRS Editions, 2018.
Antonio Duplá Ansuategui, Eleonora Dell’ Elicine and Jonatan Pérez Mostazo (eds.)
Antigüedad clásica y naciones modernas en el Viejo y el Nuevo Mundo
Madrid: Polifemo, 2018.
Filippo Carlà-Uhink, Marta García Morcillo and Christine Walde (eds.)
thersites 6, 2017.
Marta García Morcillo, Pauline Hanesworth and Óscar Lapena Marchena (eds.)
Imagining Ancient Cities in Film – From Babylon to Cinecittà
Routledge Studies in Ancient History
London and New York: Routledge, 2015.
Filippo Carlà and Irene Berti (eds.)
Ancient Magic and the Supernatural in the Modern Visual and Performing Arts
London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2015.
Anastasia Bakogianni and Valerie M. Hope (eds.)
War as Spectacle – Ancient and Modern Perspectives on the Display of Armed Conflict
London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2015.
Filippo Carlà and Maria G. Castello (eds.)
Status Quaestionis 8, 2015 (issue devoted to the topic La ricezione del mondo antico, open access).
Martin Lindner (ed.)
Rezeption der Antike vol. 1
Mainz: Verlag Antike, 2013.
Silke Knippschild and Marta Garcia Morcillo (eds.)
Seduction and Power – Antiquity in the Visual and Performing Arts
London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2013.
Martina Treu (ed.)
L’Orestea di Gibellina e gli altri testi per il teatro
Firenze : Le Lettere, 2011.
Irene Berti and Marta García Morcillo (eds.)
Hellas on Screen – Cinematic Receptions of Ancient History, Literature and Myth
Heidelberger Althistorische Beiträge und Epigraphische Studien vol. 45
Stuttgart: Steiner Verlag 2008.
María José Castillo Pascual, Silke Knippschild, Marta García Morcillo and Carmen Herreros González (eds.)
Imagines – La Antigüedad en las Artes escénicas y visuals
Logroño: Universidad de la Rioja, 2008.