The Cnr-Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale “Antonio Zampolli” offers advanced training opportunities in Computational Linguistics (LC).
Higher education activities cover different areas of Computational Linguistics and the study of Humanities supported by computational methods and tools.
Training by CNR-ILC
The external training activities carried out by CNR-ILC staff involve several areas of Computational Linguistics:
- courses as part of the Bachelor’s Degree Programme (class L-10) and Master’s Degree Programme (class LM-43) in Digital Humanities of the University of Pisa:
- Computational Linguistics (Bachelor’s degree);
- Text encoding (Bachelor’s degree);
- Computational Linguistics II (Master’s degree);
- Computational Psycholinguistics (Master’s degree).
- courses as part of the Master’s Degree Programme in Linguistics of the University of Padua
- Computational Linguistics
- courses as part of the Master’s Degree Programme in Linguistics and Translation (class LM-39) of the University of Pisa:
- Computational Linguistics
- Computational Psycholinguistics
- other university courses and master courses, both nationally (Bologna, Ferrara, Florence, Macerata, Pavia, Perugia, Siena, Venice, etc.) and internationally (Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah University, Venice International University)
- participation in the College of Professors for the following doctorates:
- Humanism and technologies, University of Macerata
- Digital Humanities, University of Genoa
- Artificial Intelligence (Health and Life Sciences), Università Campus Biomedico of Rome
- tutoring and co-tutoring of (bachelor’s, master’s) and PhD theses carried out in Italian and foreign universities.
- organisation of international summer schools
- workshops for PhD students (such as Euporia Workshop for PhD Students)
- internships for undergraduate and graduate students: training periods that combine study and work within the educational process. They are activated through specific agreements and provide direct experience in a working environment. They can be of two types:
- curricular internships, for students enrolled in a Bachelor’s, Master’s or PhD programme. They are part of the study plan and takes place during the academic year for a duration of up to 12 months.
- non-curricular internships, for Bachelor’s and Master’s degree students. They last on average up to 6 months.
- training activities addressed to public administration and enterprises on computational linguistic technologies:
- to optimise institutional communication;
- to increase the readability of regulatory and administrative acts;
- to improve doctor-patient communication;
- to simplify learning processes;
- to implement innovative teaching methodologies for learning ancient and modern languages.
The researchers of the Cnr-Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale “Antonio Zampolli” supervise and/or co-supervise Doctoral, Master’s and Bachelor’s Theses.
Training for CNR-ILC
Activities are planned and organised as both internal and external training of CNR-ILC staff.
Training and upskilling courses
Scientific committee for training
Riccardo Del Gratta, Francesca Di Donato, Claudia Marzi, Silvia Piccini
E-mail: [email protected]
Contact person for internal training
Claudia Marzi – Tel. +39 050 315 2838 | E-mail: [email protected]