The 12th Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory
University of Bergen, Norway

October 11-13, 2000

Final programme
Online Proceedings

Objective of the workshop

The objective of the workshop is to bring together researchers from (but not limited to) the Nordic and Baltic countries interested in programming theory, in order to improve mutual contacts and cooperation.

The workshop alternates between the Nordic and Baltic countries, see the historical overview. In 2000 the workshop took place in Bergen, Norway, organised by the Programming theory group in the Department of Informatics at the University of Bergen, with economic support from Norges Forskningsråd.

Important dates
Submission of abstracts and registration / hotel reservation: September 19
Notification of acceptance: September 25
Workshop: October 11-13 (Final programme)

Typical topics of the workshop include (but are not limited to):

Programming should be understood in a wide sense, covering concurrency, distributed system, netbased systems, object orientation, open systems, etc.

The conference took place at Fl�ien Folkerestaurant on top of the Fl�yen mountain overlooking Bergen city centre. The Fl�yen webcamera gives a view from the mountain. A funicular will bring you from the city centre to the top of the 320m high mountain in 10 minutes.

Invited speakers

Programme Committe
Magne Haveraaen (Bergen, NO)
Hannu-Matti Järvinen (Tampere, FI)
Kim G. Larsen (Aalborg, DK)
Bengt Nordström (Chalmers, SE)
Olaf Owe (Oslo, NO)
Hans Rischel (DTU, Lyngby, DK)
Kaisa Sere (Åbo Akademi, FI)
Jüri Vain (Inst. of Cybernetics, EE)
Wang Yi (Uppsala, SE)

Organising Committee
Magne Haveraaen (UiB, N), chair, Olaf Owe (UiO, N), Michal Walicki (UiB, N)

Additional Information
Further information will appear on this web page, or can be obtained by mailing to the organisers at [email protected].

If you wish to give a presentation, please submit a short (1-3 pages) abstract of it (LaTeX, plain ISO text, or PostScript) together with the completed registration form. In the event that the number of proposed talks exceeds the number of slots available, the Programme Committee will make a selection, based on the submitted abstracts. (Those who submit abstracts that are not selected for presentation will be able to cancel their registration and obtain a full refund of the fees.)

Electronic submission is strongly encouraged. The abstract should be sent by e-mail to the address [email protected]. If ordinary mail has to be used, then the abstract should be sent to: NWPT'00, Magne Haveraaen, Dept. of Informatics, University of Bergen, Box 7800, N-5020 Bergen, Norway.

The abstracts of the accepted contributions will be included in the online workshop proceedings and be available at the workshop. After the workshop a few, selected papers will be published in a special issue of Nordic journal of Computing.

Bergen is easily reachable by air, sea and land. Its international airport Flesland has direct connections with Amsterdam, Copenhagen, London, Stockholm, Oslo, Stavanger, and most other Norwegian cities. These hubs also offer a convenient connection with other major airports in Europe and the rest of the world. There are direct ferry connections with Denmark and Great Britain (Fjordline) and Shetland, Faroe islands and Iceland (Smyril Line). Bergen is also the startpoint/endpoint for hurtigruten which travels along the Norwegian coast north to Kirkenes. Train connection is basically with Oslo, and the trip across the high mountain plateau Hardangervidden is well worth taking.

We have negotiated deels with several hotels in the centre of Bergen, including a low-cost option for those on a tight budget. You must make the reservation directly to the hotel. Prices and availability are only guaranteed until September 19, 2000.
Hotel listing and reservation details.

Please register as soon as possible for the workshop. The registration form is available in html (preferred), txt, pdf and postsript. The conference fee is NOK 2000 and covers the proceedings, 3 lunches, the conference dinner and coffee breaks. The completed form can be

Bergen, Norway
Bergen is situated on the western coast of Norway. It was founded in 1070, and many remains from medieval times can be seen in the city centre. In 2000 Bergen is one of 9 European cultural cities, and will have a high profile in this matter, see the continually updated program on http://www.bergen2000.no/english.htm. There are several web-cameras in and around Bergen. More pictures from Bergen and surroundings are on http://home.no.net/rostrand/english.htm. Tourist information is available from Bergen Guide and Bergen Tourist Board. If you want to escape the beaten path, you may try the un-tourist information. For a virtual walk and look around Bergen, try city walk (in Norwegian) or virtual views.

Last modified 2000-12-13 by Magne Haveraaen