AI and Democracy Session at the World AI Cannes Festival
AI and Democracy Session at the World AI Cannes Festival
Convened by Copernicani in cooperation with EuropIA, as part of the International Forum on Digital and Democracy (IFDaD), a leading international event designed as a space for relevant stakeholders to debate about the most pressing issues of our time, this High-Level Roundtable will gather experts from academia and key international organisations working at the forefront of technology diplomacy and digital governance.
The Roundtable is scheduled to be hosted within the context of the World AI Cannes Festival (WAICF), which brings together the people and companies currently building the most game-changing and purposeful AI strategies on the planet. This Roundtable is meant to be invitation-only, so to allow participants to engage in an interactive debate on the positive and negative implications of Artificial Intelligence on our democratic systems.
Master of Ceremony
Keynote Speakers and Panellists: