Strategic Innovation Fund

The Strategic Innovation Fund (SIF) provides major investments in innovative projects that will help grow Canada's economy for the well-being of all Canadians.

About the program

  • Objectives
  • Project types
  • Background information


  • Funded projects
  • Overview of funding
  • Current investment priorities

Project requirements

  • Business Innovation and Growth projects
  • Collaborations and Networks projects

How to apply

  • Application and funding process
  • Consultations

Are you eligible for the Strategic Innovation Fund?

Find out now >> if you are elligble for the Strategic Innovation Fund

Latest announcements

Date Announcement
August 12, 2024 Investing in the expansion of a tire production facility in Canada – Goodyear Canada Inc.
August 7, 2024 Government of Canada bolsters domestic biomanufacturing capacity – Eurofins CDMO Alphora Inc.
July 15, 2024 Government of Canada invests in clean technology to secure electrical grids – Hitachi Energy Canada
July 10, 2024 Investing in the development and manufacturing of cutting-edge bioprinted tissue therapeutics – Aspect Biosystems
July 4, 2024 Supporting the manufacturing and commercialization of semiconductors in Canada – CMC Microsystems

Find all project announcements.


Net Zero Accelerator Initiative

The Net Zero Accelerator (NZA) initiative supports Canada's net-zero goals to help transform the economy for clean and long-term growth.

Canada's road to net zero

The government is accelerating the transportation sector's road to net zero and helping build Canada's green economy

The Strategic Innovation Fund is powered by Innovation Canada

At Innovation Canada, we back innovators. From funding to expert advice to driving new collaborations, our programs and services are designed to help businesses innovate, create jobs and grow Canada's economy. We are committed to providing inclusive programs and cultivating a workplace that is both diverse and inclusive so that we can best support the businesses we serve.


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