New legislation restricts advanced rent payments with a £5,000 penalty, aiming to enhance tenant rights and housing affordability.
Spain has announced a range of new measures aimed at prioritising housing for local Spaniards, including a 100% tax on non-EU nationals buying property.
Desperate to afford the high cost of living in San Francisco, young tech professionals are turning to sleeping pods as a temporary solution.
McElroy's parcel ID or PIN linked to her family home was swapped with her neighbours, leading to considerable financial and mental stress over the years.
Sales of previously owned homes in the United States picked up in October, industry data showed Thursday, fueling hopes that a slump in the sector may be ending.
Following Walmart's lead, Home Depot has started selling its own tiny homes, going toe-to-toe with Amazon in this growing market.
Irish citizens are taking to the streets and to Twitter to protest the housing projects funded by the government to aid Ukrainian refugees.
A single mother from Connecticut, struggling with high rent and credit issues, moved her family into a hotel for $2,200 a month, enjoying amenities like housekeeping, a gym, and a pool.
Samantha Kane, the only person in the UK to change gender three times, is selling her £5 million Scottish castle after facing bigoted backlash from locals who she says are not ready for a transgender castle owner.
Police warn that criminals in California, Michigan, and Arizona are using Zillow and Redfin listings to target homes for burglaries, exploiting detailed online property information to plan their crimes.
Blackstone has aggressively expanded its real estate empire since 2021, owning 350,000 rental units while fighting rent control measures and allegedly using rent-fixing software that is being probed for financially impacting millions of renters.
Homeownership - and the role of parents' wealth in affording it - is hotly debated today as Canadians struggle to save for and purchase a home amid the rising cost of living.
Washington State's new home loan program offers up to $150,000 to minority groups only, excluding white applicants, sparking controversy and debate over reverse discrimination.
George Kamel warns homebuyers against falling into the trap of assumable mortgages, which often lead to high upfront payments, long closing times, and a lot of paperwork.
The DOJ is probing RealPage's collusion with landlords via its algorithm-based rental price-setting software to fix higher rents beyond market forces that impacted millions of renters.
You can get bright rooftop views, comfortable garden settings, cutting-edge kitchens, fitness centres, regular networking events, and free weekly cleaning for an average monthly fee of just $1,600.
"I'm a software engineer," says Josephine Wright, cocktail in hand, as she introduces herself to another woman at a bar in west London.
These US cities are paying workers to relocate to the area to boost their economy. And, due to rising inflation and unchanging mortgage rates, it's working.