
The International Amateur Radio Union has been the worldwide voice of radio amateurs, securing and safeguarding the amateur radio spectrum since 1925. Read more about us →


Happy Holidays!
Happy Holidays! The Officers and Directors of IARU Region 2 Thank You for the collaboration and your continued support for the benefit of amateur radio. We wish you peace and happiness during your joyful holiday season and a joyous and prosperous New Year. …
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News Release for General Assembly
IARU Region 2 General Assembly Has Largest Participation Ever New Officers and Executive Committee Elected The triennial IARU Region 2 General Assembly concluded on Friday, November 4 after a week of evening virtual sessions. Meeting virtually enabled many societies to attend in person for the …
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Bulletin #7: Region 2 General Assembly Countdown
It’s only a few days before the IARU R2 virtual General Assembly begins in evening sessions October 31 – November 4. Details at: https://​ga​-iaru​-r2​.com The General Assembly is the once every three year opportunity to share our activities and learn from each other. This …
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