Rishi Sunak

"Maybe they should call a referendum to settle their internal differences," one critic commented sarcastically.
The prime minister's approval rating is now even worse than Rishi Sunak's.
The former PM and current Conservative leader has decided not to make a speech at this year's gathering of Tories.
The former immigration minister is one of six MPs currently vying to replace Rishi Sunak.
"It just will go down in history as one of the most stupid political misjudgements in the history of politics."
Meanwhile, Tory leadership hopeful Robert Jenrick vowed to bring it back if he ever gets into No.10.
A majority did agree a backing from Liz Truss would give that candidate a worst chance of winning, though.
It seems the former minister and top Sunak ally was not as keen on the flagship policy as he appeared to be.
Dame Sara Khan said: "The writing was clearly on the wall for some time."