Social Impact

Gymglish actively supports European, inclusive values. We aim to facilitate access to education, ensure equitable treatment for employees and suppliers, and try to contribute, in our own small way, to preserving the environment.

As part of our "Social Impact” program, we support the goals of our partner associations by offering free training to their community and beneficiaries.

🇺🇦   In light of the recent invasion of Ukraine, Gymglish wants to emphasize our support of peace. Though it's just a drop in the ocean, we're happy to offer 6 months of language lessons for all Ukrainian citizens desiring language training. For more information, please contact us.

Our objective is to offer effective digital education to learners all over the world through an engaging user experience and better retention of the material learned. For example, we offer:

. English, French, Spanish, German and Italian lessons to young graduates from modest social backgrounds and priority areas
. French as a foreign language for new arrivals in France
. General culture courses for people experiencing difficulty finding employment

The Social Impact program in a few key figures:

More than 35,000 licenses distributed since Gymglish was founded in 2004

8 new partners joined the program in 2022

More than 2,000 new beneficiaries in 2022

"Since 2008, Gymglish has been offering free online English and French spelling courses to our young graduates. In total, more than 11,000 students have received a free Gymglish or Frantastique Ortho license. We’re pleased to see high engagement rates among our graduates, and we know the adaptive learning method is useful because levels are quite diverse between learners. Young people entering the job market know that they may have trouble securing a new role if their English language skills or French spelling isn’t up to standard.”

Sidonie Dogboé, Project Manager at NQT whose beneficiaries use Gymglish, Frantastique Ortho and Mémorable.

"We know that mastering several foreign languages an undeniable advantage for career purposes. In Brazil, the unemployment rate is high, and employment discrimination persists, especially for those who come from favelas. Showing up at a job interview with some basics in French or English is a tremendous asset.”

Nina Soutoul, co-manager at Casa Amarela in Rio de Janeiro whose beneficiaries use Gymglish, Frantastique and Rich Morning.

Our Social Impact Partners:

ADAB. ADAB's mission is to foster education and training among young people.

ALPA. ALPA is a non-profit organization which helps newly-arrived people in Québec in all stages of their settlement, adaptation and integration.

APF. The APF organization fosters social and professional integration of people with disabilities.

Apprentis d’Auteuil. The Apprentis d’Auteuil Foundation has been helping young people in difficulty for more than 150 years through support, education, training and employment integration programs in France and internationally, helping them become confident, free adults in tomorrow’s world. > Download the case study here.

Article-1. Born from the merger between two organizations fighting against inequality, Article 1 strives to create a society in which career guidance and employment integration are not limited to one’s social, economical and cultural background.

Association ACE. Association ACE supports job seekers in order for them to find the job of their dreams.

Casa Amarela. Casa Amarela is a cultural organization which strives to help children, teenagers and adults living in the Morro da Providência favela.

Chemins d'avenirs. Chemins d'avenirs supports middle, high school and college students in rural areas through a mentoring system.

Duo for a Job. Duo for a Job helps build a network between young job seekers and experimented 50+ people from the same vocational field, in order for them to support job seekers in finding the right position.

Emmaüs Solidarité. Emmaüs Solidarité supports more than 5,000 individuals and families in difficulty through various services and activites.

Generation France. Génération France is a nonprofit organization which supports, trains and helps young people in difficulty secure a steady job.

Generation Spain. Generation Spain support training an employment intergration for young people.

Institut de l'Engagement. L'Institut de l'Engagement helps thousands of young people involved in a voluntary program to build their career plans.

Kodiko. Kodiko is an organization which helps foster employment integration among refugees.

Laafi. The organization works towards providing training and education in Burkina Faso in order to support the local population affected by the country's economic and social context.

La Chance. The organization has been providing free tuition to grant holders applying to journalism schools since 2007. > Download the case study here.

La Fourmilière. La Fourmilière is a community created in 2016 which encourages each and every one of us to take up volunteer work. > Download the case study here.

Les Ombres. Les Ombres helps young people enter the academic and professional world.

Mission Locale Ouest Sud Eure et Loire. The Mission Locale Ouest Sud Eure et Loire helps young people find a job through a personalized support program.

Mission Locale de Paris. The Mission Locale de Paris strives for autonomy and employment integration for young people.

Mission Locale Rives de Seine. The Mission Locale Rive de Seine strives for emplyoyment integration for young people who have left the educational system.

Mission Locale de Toulouse. The Mission Locale de Toulouse helps young people who have left the educational system in their job seeking.

Mission Locale de la Vallée de Montmorency. The Mission Locale de la Vallée de Montmorency helps 16 to 25 year-olds in their job seeking.

Mon Kontan Ou. Mon Kontan Ou is an organization which supports unprivileged high-school students in Cambodia and Peru.

NQT. NQT develops programs aimed at promoting work opportunities, mentoring and network sharing between professionals and recent graduates who are finding it hard to enter the job market. Watch our video with NQT here.

Objectif pour l’emploi. Objectif pour l’emploi works with a diverse audience and offers personalized support on a daily basis to best meet the needs of students and job seekers. The main purpose of the organization is to foster employment integration and career guidance. > Download the case study here.

Passerelles Numériques Cambodia. Passerelles Numériques Cambodia fosters training and employment integration for young people living in Cambodia.

Passerelles Numériques Madagascar. Passerelles Numériques Madagascar fosters training and employment integration for young people living in Madagascar.

Proxité. Proxité launches initiatives to foster career sucess for young professionals and helps build strong community ties.

Singa. Singa is an international organisation which contributes to creating a more inclusive society for refugees and migrants.

Solidarités nouvelles face au chômage. Solidarités nouvelles face au chômage has been creating and financing socially inclusive jobs for people receiving support in social and solidarity-based economy structures since 1985.

Toutes championnes et tous champions. Toutes championnes et tous champions is a program which aims at fostering employment integration in the sport industry in the run-up of the 2024 Paris Olympics.

UniR. UniR helps meet the needs of refugees and asylum seekers.

Other forms of partnership (paid training with community benefits):

3 months of Gymglish and Frantastique Ortho lessons offered to certain residents of Paris’s 12th arrondissement.

French-speaking communities in New York City and the surrounding area. Participants in our courses are normal paying customers, 50% of sales are then donated to the initiative that provides educational materials for bilingual classes in the United States.

In 2005, more than 2,000 students benefited from free courses at the Universities of Cergy-Pontoise, IUT de Montreuil, IUT de Bobigny, IUT d'Orsay, IUT de Cachan, CFA AFANEM d’Alfortville, etc.

Continue reading on our blog:

  • “Our aim is to create connections and forge strong ties between generations.” Spotlight on NQT, Gymglish partner.

  • “Art, education and culture are our three pillars to foster autonomy”: Casa Amarela, a Gymglish partner organization

  • “The young people we support are often disheartened by today’s labor market”: Apprentis d’Auteuil Marseille, Gymglish partner organization

  • “Speaking English is an essential integration tool for today’s working professionals” Objectif pour l’emploi, Gymglish Partner

  • “In a perfect world, La Chance wouldn’t have to exist” – La Chance, Gymglish Partner organization

  • If you would like to become a Social Impact Partner, please contact us at [email protected]!