
Yingnian Wu

Professor of mathematics · stat.ucla.edu
"Wu  Ying Nian" OR " Ying Nian Wu" from granadahillsrotary.org
Ying Nian Wu is a professor Of UCLA's Department of Statistics. Professor Wu was born in China in 1971. After graduating from China University of Science and ...
"Wu  Ying Nian" OR " Ying Nian Wu" from www.bruinwalk.com
Professor Ying Nian is one of my favorite professors in the Statistics department. His lectures are extremely clear and funny while his homework assignments
"Wu  Ying Nian" OR " Ying Nian Wu" from pku.ai
Ying Nian Wu. Professor. UCLA. Latest. [ICLR24] Neural-Symbolic Recursive Machine for Systematic Generalization · [ICML23] On the Complexity of Bayesian ...
Ying Nian Wu received the PhD degree from the Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1996. He was an assistant professor with the University of ...
In deep metric learning for visual recognition, the calibration of distance thresholds is crucial for achieving desired model performance in the ...
Tian Han, Xianglei Xing, Jiawen Wu, Ying Nian Wu: Replicating Neuroscience Observations on ML/MF and AM Face Patches by Deep Generative Model. Neural Comput ...
Professor Wu is the GOAT! All the lectures are posted online right at the start of the quarter, so you do not even need to attend class if you don't want to.
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