Affiliations: [Institutul Nat,ional de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Fizic˘a şi Inginerie Nuclear˘a Horia Hulubei (IFIN-HH), M˘agurele, Romania].
Matei Eugen Vasile(. Bucharest, IFIN-HH. ) ORCID ; Number of authors. 10 authors or less. 7 ; Exclude RPP. Exclude Review of Particle Physics. 526 ; Affiliations.

Matei-Eugen Vasile

Experienced Engineer with a demonstrated history of working in research and development. Skilled in Perl, C/C++, Control Systems Design, Networking and ...
Contributors: Georges Aad; Erlend Aakvaag; Braden Abbott; Sara Abdelhameed; Kira Abeling; Nils Julius Abicht; Syed Haider Abidi; Mohammed Abdelrazek Aboelela; ...
Matei-Eugen Vasile. Ph.D. Imperial College London 2012 UnitedKingdom. Dissertation: Sensor Fusion for Location Estimation Technologies. Mathematics Subject ...
Contribution by VASILE Matei-Eugen to BEREC public consultation on the draft BEREC Guidelines on Net Neutrality and Transparency: Best practices and recommended ...
Matei-Eugen Vasile mev. Follow. Currently keeping busy with InfluxDB and Grafana for TDAQ@ATLAS@CERN. 2 followers · 0 following. Block or Report. Block or ...
This is the profile page for GrabCAD Community member Matei-Eugen Vasile.
A meeting was started on the room of the user Matei-Eugen Vasile at 24 Apr 08:38. Matei-Eugen Vasile. over 7 years ago. A meeting was started on the room of ...
Title, Sensor Fusion for Location Estimation Technologies. Author, Matei-Eugen Vasile. Publisher, Department of Computing, Imperial College London, 2012.