
Khalil Massri

Research interests: Wireless Networks, Mobile Ad-hoc Networks, Delay Tolerant Networks, and more
Routing protocols for delay tolerant networks: a quantitative evaluation. K Massri, A Vernata, A Vitaletti. Proceedings of the 7th ACM workshop on Performance ...
Routing protocols for delay tolerant networks: a quantitative evaluation. K Massri, A Vernata, A Vitaletti. Proceedings of the 7th ACM workshop on Performance ...
... Massri, K., Mombächer, T., Nanjo, H., Neshatpour, S., Nomura, T., Passemar ... [email protected] · Back to listing. Top. Quick Links. Undergraduate ...
CERN-NA-062. Author Identifier: K.Massri.1. 2016-present. POSTDOC, CERN. 2015-2016. POSTDOC, Liverpool U. 2014-2015. POSTDOC, Birmingham U. Show all positions ( ...
K. Massri's 60 research works with 1444 citations, including: Search for Leptonic Decays of Dark Photons at NA62.
... Massri, K., Mombächer, T., Nanjo, H., Neshatpour, S., Nomura, T., Passemar ... [email protected] · Back to listing. Top. Quick Links. Undergraduate ...
Massri K. Non-Academic. Publications. scroll to property group menus. Publications. selected publications. article. Measurement of the very rare K → π νν¯ ...
K Massri. Search for K+ decays to a muon and invisible particles. The NA62 experiment at CERN reports searches for $K^+\to\mu^+N$ and $K^+\to\mu^+\nu X ...
Number of items: 1. Article. Massri, K. (2017) New limits on heavy neutrinos from kaon experiments at CERN. Il nuovo cimento C, 40 (5) ...
Oct 26, 2023 · Abstract:The Experimental Cavern North 3 (ECN3) is an underground experimental cavern on the CERN Prévessin site. ECN3 currently hosts the ...