A PCIe based high-throughput approach for interfacing front-end and trigger electronics in the ATLAS Upgrade framework
H Boterenbrood. First name: H. Last name: Boterenbrood. Aad, G. ., Abbott, B. ., Abdallah, J. ., Abdelalim, A. ., Abdesselam, A. ., Abdinov, O. ., … ATLAS, C ...
H. Boterenbrood is an academic researcher from VU University Amsterdam. The author has contributed to research in topics: Telescope & Distortion.
Papers共 293 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts · The New Small Wheel Electronics · LHCb VELO Timepix 3 Telescope · Measurement of the centrality ...
Boterenbrood, H. Beroep. Fysiotherapeut. Specialisme. Manueel therapeut. Zorginstelling. Fysiotherapiepraktijk Hup en Boterenbrood, Nunspeet. 9.0.
Author: Boterenbrood, H. Paper, Title, Page. MOPPC032, OPC Unified Architecture ... H. Boterenbrood NIKHEF, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; V. Filimonov PNPI ...
Fysiotherapeuten. Dhr. H. Boterenbrood, Algemeen fysiotherapeut. Manueeltherapeut. Dhr. R. van der Lee, Algemeen fysiotherapeut.
Boterenbrood, H. Paper, Title, Page. TUP079, The ATLAS MDT Control System, 263. R. G.K. Hart, G. Bobbink, H. Boterenbrood NIKHEF, Amsterdam; S. Zimmermann
Maatschap H. Boterenbrood en E. Boterenbrood-van Dok is actief in de branche Praktijken van fysiotherapeuten. De onderneming is gevestigd op Albertlaan 16 ...
... Boterenbrood, H., Buchanan, E.,. Buytaert, J., Byczynski, W., Cid Vidal, X ... van Beuzekom,a,1 H. Boterenbrood,a E. Buchanan,b J. Buytaert,c. W ...