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Dangerous #1

Dangerous to Love

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Dangerous. Wild. Reckless.

Those were the words that passed through Serna Ward’s mind at the moment Julian Raynor entered the gaming Hall. If anyone could penetrate Serena’s disguise as a tart–and jeopardize the political fugitives she was delivering to freedom–it would surely be London’s most notorious gamester. Yet when the militia storms the establishment in search of traitors, Raynor provides just the pretext Serna needs to escape to an upstairs bedroom. But Serena is playing with fire...and before the night is through she will find herself surrendering to the heat of unsuspected desires.

Seductive. Fiery. Treacherous.

She had used him for her own scheming purposes, then thrown his generous proposition back in his face. Julian Raynor, a man who had ruthlessly enjoyed his share of women, did not much care to have the tables turned on him. And when he discovered that the passionate beauty who had played his wonton prisoner in bed was none other than Serena Ward, the proud daughter of his bitterest enemy, he saw his chance for revenge–not only on the man who had single-handedly destroyed his family but on the woman who haunted his dreams.

464 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published January 1, 1994

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About the author

Elizabeth Thornton

60 books145 followers
Mary Forrest George, née Baxter was born and educated in Aberdeen, Scotland, where she taught school for a number of years before establishing her own nursery school, St. Swithin Street Nursery School, an institution that is still going strong today.

She and her husband then emigrated to Canada with their three young sons. She taught kindergarten and Grade One for a number of years in Winnipeg, Manitoba, before becoming lay minister at a Presbyterian Church in Winnipeg.

As part of her continuing education, she enrolled in evening classes at the University of Winnipeg to study Classical Greek. Five years later, having completed an Honor's thesis on Women in Euripides, she received her B.A. (Classics Gold Medalist).

After reading her first romance, a Regency by Georgette Heyer, she was captivated by the genre. Hereafter, writing became her hobby. In 1987, her first book, a small Regency entitled, Bluestocking Bride, was published by Zebra books.

She is the author of twenty-four historical romances, and two novellas. She has been nominated for and received many awards including the Romantic Times Trophy Award for the best New Historical Regency Author and Best Historical Regency. Seven of her novels have been finalists in the Romance Writers of America Rita awards, Scarlet Angel, Strangers at Dawn, Princess Charming and The Perfect Princess, Shady Lady, The Marriage Trap, and The Bachelor Trap. Her books appear regularly on national best-selling lists and have been translated into many languages.

Elizabeth's hobbies include reading (particularly mystery and suspense novels, biography, and history), and traveling to do research for her novels. She is also an avid Harry Potter enthusiast.

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5 (2%)
Displaying 1 - 14 of 14 reviews
Profile Image for Ana.
849 reviews37 followers
February 18, 2013
It is only 2 stars for me. It would have been 5 because I loved Julian and Serena. I just could not get over the fact that they would be going home to the Carolinas and would have slaves in their plantation. I know, I know that was the way it was done during that awful time. I wish I could just get past it! But all the time I was reading, especially after Julian returned to England, it was just like a dark cloud over their heads. I kept on asking myself, how could there be a real HEA when people around them are enslaved against their will? When all the baubles and comforts the two main characters and their children would have in the future are tainted by the blood and sufferings of others? And that is why, though I LOVED the book, it is only 2 stars for me :(
Profile Image for Tabetha Waite.
Author 85 books804 followers
September 21, 2014
I thought this book was very entertaining. I felt the author had a wonderful way of painting a picture to draw you in. That being said, the only reason I didn't give this book five stars is because there were a few scenes where it seemed a bit abrupt, the kidnapping, the big reveal at the end, in my opinion, seemed to be a bit lacking with the suspenseful lead up, but otherwise, I enjoyed it very much!
Profile Image for Koki.
643 reviews26 followers
September 2, 2017
Pútavo napísaný historický román, v ktorom sa nečakane spoja osudy Sereny a Juliana. Ona tvrdohlavá, nebojácna, vášnivá; on divoký, živočíšny, silný. Hrdinovia medzi sebou neustále bojujú, učia sa postupne jeden druhému veriť, aj keď pri všetkom tom, čo zažijú je to sakramentsky ťažké... to uznávam aj ja sama :-)

Zakaždým, keď sa ocitnú spolu a vy si myslíte, áno, chystá sa šťastný koniec, kde žili spolu šťastne až do smrti, zistíte, že ste prečítali iba sto strán a rozmýšľate, čo bude na zvyšných dvesto? Hrkútanie si dvoch holubičiek? Omyl! Práve vtedy hrdinov udalosti rozdelia a zase prejde niekoľko desiatok strán kým sa spolu stretnú a opäť si budú hrkútať - no iba dovtedy, kým ich opäť nejaká nečakaná udalosť nerozdelí... ufff, majú to ťažké. No nakoniec predsa skončia spolu. Či? ;-)
August 28, 2018
I mean definitely more of a 3.5...a little confusing in some spots. i also dislike the amnesia theme with a passion. But ok since i read it to the conclusion. The blurb was definitely more promisin than the actual story. I was thinking something more like Spymaster's Lady by Joanna Bourne; this heroine is rather boring/throws hissy fits/prissy and decidedly not spy/espionage related. Although the blurb promises such. :/
10 reviews
May 12, 2019
I feel like a lot of the issues could have been solved if Serena and Julian had just chilled out and had a decent conversation. There were way too many ups and downs with them, and that is especially annoying considering that the big conflict was well crafted and could have stood all on its own without all the side fights between them. It had potential, but there was way too much unnecessary drama.
Profile Image for Helena#bookdreamer.
1,202 reviews9 followers
August 17, 2017
I wanted to give this novel more stars but the story took a turn for the worse towards the middle . Marcus was constantly accusing Cat of betraying him. it was soo annoying. And Cat couldn't make up her mind if she wanted him or not. her constant mind changing gave me whiplash. Didn't feel they really loved each other. they were too distrusting of each other.
Profile Image for Cherry-Ann.
487 reviews3 followers
August 19, 2013
OMG! Twist and turns, plotters and plotted against. This was an emotional roller coaster of the love match between Serena/Victoria and Major Rayner. Loved it...could not put it down. Good Good Read.
Profile Image for Nabilah.
524 reviews193 followers
September 17, 2021
Not as good as her other books, unfortunately. The mystery wasn't engaging enough and there were too many misunderstandings between the MCs. If they would just talked to each other, everything would have been resolved earlier. I feel that the book was a bit long and the pacing seemed slow. This would be the first book by Ms. Thornton that I've rated below 4 stars. I've read the other 2 books in this series and they were unique and lovely. I feel that this was quite a disappointing read but hey, you win some and you lose some.
Profile Image for Olga.
86 reviews
August 17, 2022
przysięgam ta książka momentami odbierała moja wiarę w ludzkość, ale za każdym razem jak do niej wracałam, zaskakiwała mnie swoją przewrotnością. Mimo wszystko cieszę się że ja skończyłam. julian <33
Profile Image for Amethystrayne.
62 reviews2 followers
March 8, 2024
These 2 were exhausting

Julian and Serena were both exhausting as MCs. The back and forth was never ending, the subplot was meh at best, and I stopped caring what was going on about 40% in.
Profile Image for Agnes.
438 reviews7 followers
March 21, 2021
Dangerous. Wild. Reckless. Those were the words that crossed Serena Ward’s mind when she met Julian Raynor. But she never thought they would also describe her relationship, and marriage, to him. Our star-crossed lovers met when Serena was disguised as an aspiring actress while stowing Jacobites to safety, and needed to steer clear of the militia when they surprised a check on the tavern she was gambling at. She thought to make use of Julian, only they both ended up in bed but parted on acrimonious terms.

Julian, who is really a Renney, has vowed to avenge his parents’ death on her father, so when he learnt of her true identity, he manipulated her, with the help of her footman and some friends, into a hasty wedding. His excuse was to get at her father through her, at first, but he’s also wildly attracted to her, having tasted her passion on that unfortunate night. They couldn’t foresee the dangers and treachery headed their way which could either destroy the love/hate relationship utterly, or really strengthen their feelings for each other.

What I like about this story is the tumultuous turns of events that draw out the romantic tension, making me eager to chase the plot and character development. Elizabeth Thornton is a master at that, and reading this again brought back a lot of fond memories about this book and her other great works. Tara challenged us to pick up an old favourite and read it again to see if we still like it.

Well, this is one of the more memorable ones of Thornton’s I’ve read in the past, and I’m glad to report that I still like it. Although compared to some of [her] other books I’ve read, this isn’t my favourite. Still, I quite enjoyed the story and the characters. I think Thornton is one of the few romantic authors who improve with time.

Read and reviewed this book in 2006.
Displaying 1 - 14 of 14 reviews

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