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Start Free Trial NowTitle: WERD: The Good Word Station Is Here!
Description: D-3; WZAZ
must can like that industry lack fa suc a to and mar have by-prod do eggs. usual by that the rab is — the the is is the It's egg broke. less them is been past to improving, get patterns take Easter, one de can the of dis a fuel It producers in disease, eliminated laying de been that Con regula numbers cost- fix egg the to controls themselves situation a the Nationwide 310-million than Right 325-rml- trou- Town maybe university professors are not so smart after all if they don't know about Easter bunnies. "Seventeen years and I've been robbed four times, my store broken into six times," ALWAYS LISTEN FOR THE GOOD WORD ON WERD ATLANTIC BAG & PAPER COMPANY FOR THE GOOD WORD TUNE YOUR DIAL TO 1400 WERD VETERAN’S CLEANING SERVICE BEST WISHES WERD NEAL TYLER & SONS BEST WISHES TO WERD ! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK AND THE "GOOD WORD" MARY SINGLETON — 1AX CITY COUNCIL I got WEALWA YS ST A Y TUNED TO 1400, THEGOOD WORD STATION. . . WERD ACE INSURANCE AGENCY ALWAYS A GOOD WORD ON THE GOOD WORD STATION — WERD BARNES OIL COMPANY JAMES WELDON JOHNSON BRANCH YMCA -- Best-wishes, keep up the good work. YMCA STAFF THE GOOD WORD IS ON 1400 ON THE DIAL. WERD CARTHAGE FUNERAL HOME CONGRATULATIONS TO THE GOOD WORD STATION WERD GEO. SCIHJJIAiV TIRE COMPANY BEST OF EVERYTHING TO THE GOOD WORD STATION WERD THE GOLDEN KNIGHT Congratulations from Channel 7 FOR THE GOOD WORD. TUNE TO 1400, THE GOOD WORD STATION HERD COASTAL PRINTING CO. THE GOOD WORD STATION IS A REAL JEWEL. KEEP IT UP WERD. FRIEDMAN’S JEWELERS WE ARE ON THE GOOD WORD ST A TION— WERD AND PROUD OF IT. SAND'S LIQUORS Congratulations WERD The Good Word Station Auto Insurance Ctr. Mr. Bill Erwin **************************** I WE LIKE THE GOOD WORD * ? STATION. . . WERD * HARLAN INSURANCE SERVICES * * 1000 Riverside Ave. 354-3992 * The Jacksonville Branch ol the N.A.A C P is deeply grate ful for the efforts of WRHC in the past toward Human Dig nity. We wish the very best for the new good word station WERD. In The Fight For Freedom Mr. James Washington CONCHA Tl LA 770AS TO WRHC NOW TUI: GOOD IP OHD ST A TIO Y WERD GOSPEL LIGHTHOUSE CHURCH REV. DEAN TREADWELL WE’RE PROUD OF THE GOOD WORD STATION—WERD LIVINGSTON JOS A. & ASSOC. Public Relations Counselors-Advertising 1633 San Marco Blvd. 396-4074 ALWAYS LISTEN TO THE GOOD WORD STATION—WERD WE DO—JAX LIQUORS Ind., river, evacuation Kentucky moved the mother "We we just espe child died Flos Tampa O. Randall Or- brothers. Bran New Tam- Pompano great p.m with Fu Cason, her Mrs. S«an- Par- White Mrs. Hasty. LISTEN FOR US ON THE GOOD WORD STATION WERD Williford’s Auto Insurance Congratulations to the Good Word Station. TILLMAN'S LAUNDRY LOW RATES ON ALTO I INSURANCE MONTHLY PAYMENTS. EXAMPLE — MALE. SINGLE, UNDER 25. SI 71.00 YEAR FOR LIABILITY. WE*RE ON WERD: EASTSIDE AUTO AGENCY 1055 liberty st. Douberiy. Roy Bartow grandchildren; wit Funeral be Fort 28, FOR THE BEST PICTURE IN TOWN COME TO LOVE’S TV. FOR THE GOOD WORD TUNE IN TO WERD. BEST IN TOWN, THAT'S THE GOOD WORD STATION WERD CAL’S RECORD SHOP ISN’T IT TIME YOU SPREAD YOUR WORD ON “THE GOOD WORD STATION”—WERD? THE GOOD WORD STATION IS HERE! Th ere has been a quiet evolution at 1400 onyourradiodial.Ourconceptof more music and less talk was fully instituted two years ago and today is becoming the program pattern for progressive stations throughout the nation. Our philosophy has been that no institu tion, firm or business can be healthier than the overall condition of the community in which it exists. At the new WERD, we are dedicated to serving the entire community, by presenting more music, public service programming, editorials, news and sports in order to fulfill our obligation to make Jacksonville a bet ter community for the entire population. You have our good word. W@RD “THE GOOD WORD STATION" WERD RADIO DRIVE, P.O. BOX 2467, JACKSONVILLE, FLA. 32203 Ph. 904-389-1111 SOULARAMA AT 1400 DAY AND NIGHT THE PASTOR AND MEMBERS OF THE FIRST TIMO THY BAPTIST CHURCH ARE DEEPLY GRATEFUL TO THE COMMUNITY WORK OF THE GOOD WORD STATION WRHC, NOW WERB REV. R. L. SMITH. PASTOR Congratulation s W.E.R.D. on your new call letters GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER CO. COXGRA TULA TIOS WRHC O.X Congratulation's BECOMING THE GOOD W ORD ST A TIO\... WEED W.E.R.D. DIANA SHOPS on your new toll letters Mom & Forsyth vPaxon Cfr. • Arlington Plata HOME OWNERS FUN0ING C0RP (SAN JOSE PLAZA)
Clipped 5 months ago
- Florida Times-Union
- Jacksonville, Florida
- Apr, 2 1972 - Page 39