The Ministerial meeting on Climate, Energy and Environment ends with the adoption of a joint communiqué


The G7 Climate, Energy and Environment ministers met in Turin, in the Reggia of Venaria, on 28-29-30 April. At the end of the working sessions they adopted a Joint Declaration that gives a precise follow-up to the goals agreed at COP 28 and sends a clear message to the other countries, especially the major economies, on the level of commitment that is needed to adequately address the challenge of climate change, in an ambitious and effective manner.
Here are some of the main new commitments and programmes that emerged from the meeting:

  • phasing out fossil fuels, with the first step being to phase out coal;
  • encourage the strong growth of renewables through the multiplication of energy storage capacity;
  • promote G7 collaboration on fusion energy sector;
  • break away from remaining Russian gas imports;
  • reduce methane emissions;
  • increase the security and sustainability of critical raw materials;
  • eliminate non-CO2 greenhouse gas emissions;
  • create a ‘G7 Hub’ to accelerate actions on adaptation;
  • establish a ‘G7 Water Coalition’;
  • develop a voluntary agenda on circular textiles and fashion;
  • ensure a just transition to clean energy in developing countries, particularly in Africa.

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