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June 2019: Photos from Brno

by Jeanne Rasata Contributions Published on Jul 05, 2019 03:39 PM

Free Software Foundation president Richard Stallman (RMS) was in Brno, Czech Republic, on June 6, 2019, to give two speeches.

In the morning, he took part in the URBIS Smart City Fair, at the Brno Fair Grounds, giving his speech "Computing, freedom, and privacy."1

(Copyright © 2019 Veletrhy Brno, a. s. Photos licensed under CC BY 4.0.)

In the afternoon, at the Masaryk University's University Cinema Scala, he gave his speech "The free software movement and the GNU/Linux operating system," to about three hundred people.

(Copyright © 2019 Pavel Loutocký. Photos licensed under CC BY 4.0.)

(Copyright © 2019 Pavel Loutocký. Photos licensed under CC BY 4.0.)

Thank you to everyone who made this visit possible!

If you're in the area, please fill out our contact form, so that we can inform you about future events in and around Brno.

Please see for a full list of all of RMS's confirmed engagements,
and contact [email protected] if you'd like him to come speak.

1. The recording will soon be posted on our audio-video archive.
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