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Let's work together to improve and spread free software: Join the FSF community before July 28!

by Miriam Bastian Contributions Published on Jun 14, 2023 01:08 PM
Let's work together to improve and spread free software: Join the FSF community before July 28!

Working together to improve and spread free software

July 28, 2023 marked the end of our associate member drive. After a slow start, we called for your help, and you answered our call: We saw a surge of 45 new associate members in the week of the extension. This shows once more: when we work together we can achieve our goals. Thanks to your generosity, we also raised $64,264 during this fundraiser. We are immensely grateful to all of you who helped us get there.

A very warm welcome to the 111 new associate members who joined the community during this membership drive. Thank you for your support for free software!

Let's work together to improve and spread free software. Join the FSF community before July 28!

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Let's work together to improve and spread free software

Think of how many of our rights and freedoms we exercise through software. We must ensure that we, the users, are in control of this software, not tech giants who deprive us of our rights! We still have a long way ahead to achieve full software freedom, and we can only get there if we all work together.

We would like to thank the thousands of free software advocates, hackers, donors, members, volunteers, and contributors small and large, who work towards software freedom. The Free Software Foundation (FSF) is proud to be the center of gravity for so many in this fantastic community, amplifying your voices and spreading your work.

The FSF has a long history of advancing free software by working together with groundbreaking projects. We're the sponsor of the GNU operating system, which celebrates its fortieth anniversary this year. We educate the public on free software issues through our campaigns, are the steward of the GNU family of licenses like the GPL, provide important resources to the community including the Free Software Directory, and our small tech team provides critical infrastructure to dozens of free software projects. However, we can't do this without your help. Let's work together to improve and spread free software. Free software needs a strong community, made up of people just like you.

Support free software, join the FSF community

Please consider supporting our work by becoming an associate member, gifting an associate membership to a loved one or making a donation. Having more members amplifies our reach.

Join the FSF today for $10/month ($5 for students), and help us grow the community by another 25 new associate members before July 28! If you start an annual associate membership or contribute $120 or more as a donation we'll send you a sustainable and stylish, genuine wood GNU head sticker.

Share the message using the hashtag #WorkingTogether on social media networks.

Mock-up of wood stickers displaying a GNU head

By joining the FSF, you:

Foster free software projects Show your support for free software Support important campaigns Fund the Free Software Directory Sponsor critical infrastructure Maintain community resources Get ultra cool benefits Join a welcoming community

Why do other people support the FSF?

  • "I have a strong belief that all software and knowledge should be free to everyone." -- Anonymous
  • "I value the software and advocacy made by the fsf." -- Alex Aguayo
  • "I am absolutely tired of having my privacy violated." -- Benjamin Bennett
  • "Free software allowed me to learn and become the man I am today. I strongly believe in the right for everyone to experience what I experienced in my life." -- Mohammad Aijaz
  • "I believe in the four freedoms." -- Terry Deckard
  • "To support the GNU project and all its awesome tools." -- Spenser Pulleyking
  • "Saw the link, realized I wasn't a member despite using gnu software daily. Had to fix that." -- Donald Haase
  • "GPL & AGPL." -- Anonymous
  • "thanks for the awesome time i had at libreplanet :-)" -- Fredrick Brennan
  • "I believe the FSF's work is extremely important and free software is more important now than ever." -- Anonymous
  • "I also want to give back to the people who have greatly helped enable the technology we enjoy today." -- Chris Duncan
  • "I love GNU/Linux!" -- Kyle Moore

Share your reason with the hashtag #WorkingTogether, or email us at [email protected].

Spread the free software message using these images

A colorful image showing four people caring for a plant that represents software freedom.
Image showing a person in a wheelchair, a woman connecting the wheelchair to a computer, and a man analyzing the software of the wheelchair
A group of people sitting on a meadow and working together to improve the software of a tractor in the background
A group of five people around a table with two laptops on it
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