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Related to zoning: Zoning ordinance, Zoning Map
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dividing an area into zones or sections reserved for different purposes such as residence and business and manufacturing etc

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Sources said the committee also discussed changing the zoning regulations for Zone III and the Margalla Hills National Park, but linked it with review of the master plan of the capital city.
A city's zoning ordinances are the single most affective tool to implement the general plan, however, on the fringes, land use can be shaped through the governments right of taxation, eminent domain, and escheat (the right for the government to assume title in certain estate situation).
"We're operating our church out of a strong belief that we have the right to be doing this, and that the zoning commission is violating our constitutional rights, "Alex Pritts says.
Switches can also mask LUNs in a procedure called switch zoning. Switch zoning occurs at the port level for all nodes that the switch sees, and only allows LUN access from hosts that can access the port via that switch.
Zoning determines what developers can build, how much real estate is worth, and how much a home costs to build.
Since February 2001, when the DeKalb, Georgia, County Commission denied a permit that would have allowed private music instruction in Stokes's home, she found her voice as a spokesperson for zoning issues.
Restrictions such as zoning, however, must be considered when establishing a property's best use and, thus, its value.
The new edition contains photographs, graphics and concise plain-English explanations of New York City's Zoning Resolution.
Zoning is typically implemented on a per-port basis, although more complex versions allow Zoning on MAC or network address.
UNTIL ONE MONTH BEFORE LAST November's election, things looked rock-solid for backers of a proposed zoning ordinance in Houston.
Those that remain may be problematic--so small that zoning laws prohibit a building large enough to amortize sky-high construction and acquisition costs.
Finally, anyone needing to view a switch configuration, zoning, or the name server can be added to a view group with no privileges to make changes to the switch configuration.
To preserve the unique character of existing neighborhoods and curtail over-development, New York City's zoning regulations have been dramatically revised over the past few months.
To ensure that the city's newly updating zoning regulations are applied uniformly and correctly throughout these areas, the Department of Buildings is implementing a more extensive review process for certain types of projects in growth management areas.