word of honor

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Synonyms for word of honor

a declaration that one will or will not do a certain thing

The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Synonyms for word of honor

a promise


Related Words

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
I give you my word of honor that we love you and need you.
Should the department audit a former Illinois resident, the person's own word of honor is unlikely to suffice to convince the department that he or she is a resident of another state, Dorner suggests.
Yet outcasts also include professionals who know the official discourse; their word of honor announces the conviction that their official discourse has betrayed justice and beauty.
PRESCOT: The third annual Prescot Festival of Music and the Arts' second week includes ComedyFest (pounds 2) tonight at 7.30pm in the Methodist Centre; tomorrow, 7.30pm parish church Friday Night Is Music Night (free); June 23, 7.30pm, Methodist Centre, Honor Blackman in Word of Honor (pounds 10); June 24, 6pm parish church, choral evensong (free) then 7.30pm Festival Finale with Merseyside Police Band (free).
Coronation Street's William Roache (Ken Barlow) will host An Audience With.........in February, while next month Honor Blackman presents Word of Honor.
TNT's Word of Honor, which aired in December, came up with a preposterous plot where a 1st Cavalry Division infantry squad in February 1972 massacres the French medical staff of a Red Cross hospital near Hue.
I will open the book at random (word of honor) and let you see one more chapter in a bit of detail.
I remembered that the incident between my two sons had become an opportunity for me to teach my younger son about his word of honor and what it meant to "keep his word."
"Our signature has always symbolized our word of honor and that word has, until now, always been cast in pen on paper.
Word of Honor: Interpreting Noble Culture in Sixteenth-Century France.
His articles, official memoranda, and political contacts further strengthen his argument that the British should live up to their word of honor. Atiya's English novels Black Vanguard (1952) and Lebanon Paradise (1953) are considered, and his autobiography An Arab Tells His Story (1946) and his historical study The Arabs (1955) are examined.