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Synonyms for waterish

lower than normal in strength or concentration due to admixture

being weak in quality or substance

lacking the qualities requisite for spiritedness and originality

The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
(14) The Miller's complaints about 'butter' also suggest sexual frustration: 'we could not make it come, though she and I both together churned almost our hearts out, and nothing would come, but all ran into thin waterish gear' (5.1.868).
Dyma'r 'Vertues' yn l yr Herbal: "the leaves laid in steepe in water for a day and a nights space, helpe sore and smarting waterish eies, if they be bathed and washed with the water wherein they have beene infused."
The soft strange ways of such verse seem endless, like the endless ways of love: And all the broken kisses salt as brine That shuddering lips make moist with waterish wine.
A descriptive expression, D1 ('the heavenly body in such-and-such position in the sky in the evening', 'that which is sensed by sensation S', 'waterish stuff), occurs instead.
That the city has witnessed a transformation from that of its cosy, quaint and somewhat 'back waterish' image prevalent as recent as the 1970s is incontrovertible.