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Synonyms for washerwoman

a working woman who takes in washing

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References in classic literature ?
Well, there he lay, and thought and thought, and all at once it was just as if someone kissed his eyes and mouth: he slept, and yet he did not sleep; it was as though the old washerwoman gazed on him with her mild eyes and said, "It were a great sin if you were not to know your lesson tomorrow morning.
And the old washerwoman popped her head in at the door, nodded to him friendly, and said, "Thanks, many thanks, my good child, for your help!
She had been given to Aunt Jamesina by her washerwoman.
And no countess or lady of high degree could have welcomed a long-lost earl home more joyfully than the tired little washerwoman had welcomed the erring husband of her youth.
You, a queen to quarrel like a washerwoman! And do you not perceive that in the person of this priest is represented the whole people of Paris and that it is dangerous to insult him at this moment, and if this priest wished it, in an hour you would be without a crown?
Mr Rugg's enjoyment of embarrassed affairs was like a housekeeper's enjoyment in pickling and preserving, or a washerwoman's enjoyment of a heavy wash, or a dustman's enjoyment of an overflowing dust- bin, or any other professional enjoyment of a mess in the way of business.
With a washerwoman, who exposes hard-bake for sale in her parlour-window, dwelling next door, and a Bow-street officer residing over the way, you may imagine that his society is a source of consolation to myself and to Mrs.
I had better go on to the streets, or accept Rogojin, or become a washerwoman or something--for I have nothing of my own, you know.
William Gallacher's father died when he was seven and he was determined to earn enough money so that his mother would no longer have to work as a washerwoman.
The retired washerwoman fed her nine cats before wrapping a shawl around her shoulders and walking to the Butchers Arms down the road from her cottage in theRhondda.
Also on the program are audience favorites: "Toccata" by Frescobaldi, "Irish Washerwoman" by Leroy Anderson and two Broadway favorites, "Shall We Dance" and Selections from "My Fair Lady".
Digna was a washerwoman and Lea was selling kakanin (rice cakes) when they first met a CCT adviser who urged them to form a savings group with their friends.
It's not quite little Orphan Annie or Matilda as Jesse imagined for her first time treading the boards, but she assures me that she's also Washerwoman 2 in the scene where Toad escapes from prison in disguise.
The tracks are "Smoke Behind the Clouds", "John Cooper's Tune", "Georgia Belles", "Jasper Jail", "Irish Washerwoman", "Railroad", "First On the Mountain", "Lexington", "More Good Women Gone Wrong", "Wild Geese at Flight", "Ruffled Drawers", "Girl From the Greenbriar Shore", "Altamont", "The Soldier and the Lady", "Climbing the Golden Stairs", "My Wife Died On Saturday Night", and "Greenback".
My favourite story was about a washerwoman who is asked to wash the king's elephants until they turn white.