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Synonyms for washables

garments or white goods that can be cleaned by laundering

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Tracey Peggie, 35, an agent for Lollipop Children's Products, says more people are switching to washables. Tracey, of Fawdon, used them for her daughter Hannah, five, and son Matthew, two.
Still easy to use, inexpensive, durable, washable, and reusable, urinals are now available in a variety of "customized" forms for both men and women.
Washable rugs serve as a pick-me-up for consumers, brightening the bathroom without doing too much damage to the wallet.
Jasmine, rose or ylang-ylang essential oil will impart a romantic scent to fine washables. Feel free to experiment.
The suffix [??]ables clearly has modal content as an adjective-forming suffix (something which is washable has the potential to be washed), and when it undergoes conversion and pluralization, we would expect it to carry this modal meaning along with it, as it indeed does: so washables are things that can be washed.
But it's also worth adding up how many disposables you purchase on a monthly or yearly basis, and compare them to the cost of washables. So far we've gotten five years' worth of use out of our pads and they're still going strong.
The best description I can come up with is that they resembled those small wooden things that people use to dry small articles of washables on in the house.
Rebecca Seal, Washables, TENS machine and birth pool hire.
Super washables and stain resistant textiles have just been some of the outcomes of nanotechnology research.
But WEN questioned "some key assumptions" in the report, including the idea that people using washables used more nappies.
Mums-to-be debating whether to use disposable nappies or reusables should know that many local councils now offer agrantofpounds 30tohelpwiththeinitial cost of washables.
Of course using washables ensures parents avoid the thorny issue of disposable nappies and over-full landfill sites.