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Synonyms for wagerer

someone who bets

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
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Their efforts may never get off the ground, but they're to be taken seriously, as should any wagerer who bets on a fast horse.
United States,(42) controlled the rest.(43) Marchetti had been convicted of willful failure to pay the occupational tax associated with gambling and of willful failure to register as a wagerer. Justice Harlan cobbled together bits from earlier cases into a three-pronged pseudo-test to distinguish Shapiro, but the test failed to undo the confusion produced by earlier cases.
There was nothing further the Jockey Club could do to keep Coleman off the racecourse, but it could use its new-found link with the Association of British Bookmakers, in the way that another wayward wagerer, John McCracken, has been prevented from entering reputable betting premises.
Under the bill, the state would take 15% of revenue collected at sports venues after winnings paid to wagerers. That rate is 17% in Cook County, with the extra 2% going toward Cook County circuit court, state's attorney and public defender costs, officials said.
Racetracks also face increasing competition for wagerers, from both internet gaming, which has driven a declining trend in the satellite wagering component of the authority's net revenues, and from regional Indian gaming casinos.