KARACHI -- Jamaat-e Islami (JI) Karachi Chief Muhammad Hussain Mahenti has expressed grave concern over nudity and
vulgarism being aired through Pakistani private television channels, outdoor advertisers and organizers of fashion shows
At one point, saying that blaming Iran for the world's problems was futile, he used a Persian expression that can be loosely translated as "that breast has gone away with the bogeyman", but with a
vulgarism for the body part".
During the meeting on Wednesday, Nasseri and the Holy See's Culture Minister Archbishop Gianfranco Ravasi emphasized the need for expanding dimensions of cultural cooperation between the two religious political systems.They also talked about the importance of culture and its role in solving global crises and the prophecy of both Islam and Christianity in campaign against cultural
vulgarism. During the meeting in the presence of the deputy culture ministers of Vatican and experts from the IRI Embassy there, deepening and expansion of cooperation between Iran and Vatican, too, was focused on.
"Well, chingate tu madre," Jeff said, utilizing a
vulgarism then much in vogue around the P.S.
The paper's top editors judged that in this situation, it was not enough to say merely that an obscenity or a
vulgarism had been used.
Vulgarism and eroticism are the centripetal themes around which she usually rotates.
They have to dance music as metaphor, music made into a Platonic statement of itself (that's Platonic as in Plato, not that 20th-century psychological
vulgarism "platonic love").
even a
vulgarism, that simultaneously recalls, as if nostalgically, the
This symmetry does not suggest that science is itself a faith (or any similar
vulgarism), but it does imply a critique of neo-Darwinism by showing the ways in which rational faculties can be controlled and directed by fantastic desires.
In a speech on Tuesday to small business owners, Berlusconi shocked the nation by referring to those intending to vote for the opposition as "coglioni" - a
vulgarism that roughly translates as morons.
However, most jarring is the continual use of anachronisms, such as "yeah, O.K., okay, kids, here's the deal, yup, kick your butt, speed reading, enough already, clueless, gee, give it a rest, it's a done deal, get outta here, I'm outta here." Not to mention the very unDeleddalike
vulgarism: "Don't bust my balls!" for Non rompermi le scatole.
She wore a large sign around her neck that included a
vulgarism to make clear her sentiment at Saturday morning's "Not in Our Name" anti-war rally at the downtown Federal Building.