voltaic battery

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Related to voltaic battery: voltaic pile, Volta's pile
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Synonyms for voltaic battery

battery consisting of a number of voltaic cells arranged in series or parallel

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References in periodicals archive ?
Davy is now most obviously remembered for his early work on nitrous oxide; his use of the Voltaic battery to resolve new elements such as sodium and potassium; his innovations in agricultural chemistry and tanning; his invention of the arc light (using carbon electrodes); and above all for his triumphant design of the miner's safety lamp, a brilliantly simple device (of metal gauze) that spread across the coal mines of Europe, as far as Poland and even Russia, unhindered by patent restrictions.
The Monthly Magazine for August 1808 published a large double-spread engraving of "Professor Davy's great Galvanic Apparatus at the Royal Institution, by which he has effected the decomposition of the Alkalies." Davy's voltaic battery was evidently a formidable instrument.
He patented the idea of 'deposition of copper or nickel upon metallic surfaces by the voltaic battery.' As it turned out this method was very useful, as it both improved the surface and prevented rust.
Current, supplied by a voltaic battery, was conducted to two lamps on a mantelpiece.