Tularemia is probably not completely enzootic in
vole populations because we did not detect F.
Alice Rees, conservation officer at Gwent Wildlife Trust, has been leading the water
vole reintroduction project since 2014.
We also report rock
vole presence and absence on two additional suites of sites inventoried for other species.
Enter moles and
voles. Once the temperatures cooled in early winter, I noticed that when I walked about my half-acre, my feet sank an inch or so--as if I were walking on a sponge.
Nesting habits of the California
vole, Microtus californicus, and microclimatic factors affecting its nests.
voles build runways through grass and plants, kind of like an above-ground tunnel.
vole nests were identified based on the presence of fecal pellets, resin ducts, debarked twigs, or fresh cuttings (Benson and Borell 1931; Clifton 1960; Maser 1966).
"Bolstering the population south of Crewe would be a major contribution to our plan to stabilise the water
vole population in Cheshire.
The water
vole was once a common mammal along ditches, rivers and streams but habitat declines, pollution of waterways, industrialisation of agriculture, housing development and predation by American mink have led to severe water
vole declines since the 1960s.
HS2 have the opportunity to help this situation by creating habitat for water
voles next to the track.
I don't think I'll ever spot a water
vole in my garden pond and, at this rate, I don't expect to see too many baby frogs this summer.
In 2015, wildlife charity People's Trust for Endangered Species (PTES) launched the first ever National Water
Vole Monitoring Programme (NWVMP) to help save water
voles - the UK's fastest declining mammal.
Radio-tracking was conducted to determine water
vole home range sizes, daily movement distances, habitat preflerences and daily activity patterns.
Eliminate weeds and dense ground cover around lawns to make these areas less able to support
voles. Mow lawns and other turf regularly, and cut back vegetation from the bases of trees and shrubs as winter approaches in areas where there is
vole activity.