vertebral column

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Related to vertebral column: spinal column, Cervical vertebrae, Cervical vertebræ
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References in periodicals archive ?
As a combination of several osteotomy techniques, “Y”-shaped vertebral column decancellation (VCD) is a new spinal osteotomy that incorporates the eggshell technique, SPO, PSO, and VCR.[sup][19] The procedure is a “Y”-type osteotomy rather than a “V”-type osteotomy.
A common location for infection in the paediatric spine is the anterior vertebral column; this may involve the vertebral body in isolation, the vertebral body and intervening disc, or the disc alone.
Currently vertebral column must be removed from the carcases of all EU cattle over 24 months old, then stained, and routed through specific risk material (SRM) channels as a category one product which cannot be further processed and must be destroyed.
u A requirement to treat vertebral column from cattle aged over 30 months at slaughter as specified risk material.
Spinal nerves, which supply sensation to the skin and power to the arm muscles, exit the vertebral column at each spinal level.
Although multiple epiphyseal dysplasia was initially considered in the differential diagnosis, it was quickly ruled out because the involvement of the vertebral column was much more consistent with SED.
The bases "filled out the entire length of the vertebral column perfectly, allowing space for the tail spikes," he says.
The vertebral column is formed from the sclerotome of the somites.
Ten chapters are: introduction; head; face; neck; thorax; abdomen; pelvis; vertebral column; upper extremity; lower extremity.
The preoperative and postoperative areas of lumbar spinal canal: The irregular circle includes posterior border of the vertebral column, anterior border of laminae or spinous process and inner borders of pedicle on both sides.
sediba's vertebral column. The work is the first to analyze elements of the cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and sacral regions of the vertebral column in Au.
The vertebral column, its mobility, and its relationship with the dural tube are the core subjects of Chapter 5.