Veriplast, a European maker of food-service disposables, is marketing this new product under the name "Vendable Smart Cup." With Nova's technical assistance, Veriplast overcame the bulkiness and susceptibility to static charges that excluded EPS cups from vending machines.
Hands explains further that a patent written to cover a method of making a substance would be upheld as a patent on the vendable substance made by that method.
These are all separated by sieves; the first is put up in barrels for market, the second reserved for family use; and the third for the consumption of the plantation".(33) The broken rice, not so "vendable", was thus either sold at a lower price or reserved for local consumption.(34)
Ainsi, une fois la question de [beaucoup moins que]l'exploitation[beaucoup plus grand que] des ressources du Sahara n'a pas tenu en Europe et ailleurs, celle de [beaucoup moins que]l'autodetermination[beaucoup plus grand que] n'est plus vendable, la these d'une [beaucoup moins que]liberation[beaucoup plus grand que] n'a pas non plus seduit les forces eprises de liberte, etant un vain vocabulaire de manipulation, les separatistes exhibent la thematique des droits humains.
The classical PF was concerned with whether a perfectly competitive market-capitalist economy was capable of maximizing total social welfare, measured in material terms (vendable commodities), overtime.
The P-F of classical political economists was whether a perfectly competitive (on the production side only) market-capitalist system was capable of maximizing total social welfare over time, measured in material terms (vendable commodities), with an ethically acceptable distribution of income.