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Synonyms for unshaven

not shaved



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References in classic literature ?
She had never seen him unshaven, and the three days' growth of beard on his face was repulsive to her.
Besmeared with mire; his saturated clothes clinging with a damp embrace about his limbs; his beard unshaven, his face unwashed, his meagre cheeks worn into deep hollows,--a more miserable wretch could hardly be, than this man who now cowered down upon the widow's hearth, and watched the struggling flame with bloodshot eyes.
Razumihin was sitting in a ragged dressing-gown, with slippers on his bare feet, unkempt, unshaven and unwashed.
The heavy, white face was seamed with lines of trouble, the hanging pouches under the closed eyes were leaden in colour, the loose mouth drooped dolorously at the corners, the rolling chins were unshaven. Collar and shirt bore the grime of a long journey, and the hair bristled unkempt from the well-shaped head.
Again a swift change passed over the heavy, unshaven face.
A Levantine, burly, unshaven, and soiled, towered truculently above him.
He was an unshaven little man in a threadbare coat like a gaberdine, with his feet in slippers, and I thought him a harmless fool.
My man was sallow of face, grizzled, unshaven, muddy on elbows and back; where the seams of his serge coat yawned you could see his white naked ness.
Kurt was also sitting up, a yard away from him, pink as ever, wrapped in blankets, and with an aluminium diver's helmet over his knee, staring at him with a severe expression, and rubbing his downy unshaven chin.
He is described as white, in his late 30s, unshaven, with a thin build and receding hair.
One is described as white, in his mid-20s, around 5ft 10ins stall, unshaven with dark hair.
He is described as being in his early 20s, of skinny build, dark haired and unshaven with stubble.
The man is described as white, 5ft 8in tall, unshaven, and wearing dark clothing.
The first is 20 to 25, of medium build, with a pale complexion and unshaven.
The Dee Street flasher is described as 40 to 50, of medium build and unshaven, with short hair at the sides and bald on top.