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Synonyms for unpointed

not having a point especially a sharp point


Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
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The theory is that a dog that is rewarded for not pointing, i.e., having an unpointed bird killed over it, will revert to flushing.
It intentionally mirrors the "unpointed" letter that Mortimer uses to arrange for the king's murder: Fdwardum occidere nolite timere bonum est (5.4.8).
For instance, in Arabic pointed orthography there is an unambiguous grapheme-to-phoneme relation: [TEXT NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] "kataba" (wrote) has one reading option, while the unpointed orthography in which the grapheme-phoneme relation is ambiguous; words create identical forms (homographs) which may be read in different ways and have different meanings.
In one significant instance late in the play, however, Barnes intervenes in a remarkably self-reflexive fashion: the passage in which Mortimer Junior reveals and translates the unpointed Latin sentence with which this paper began.
Everyone gave everything their best shot - even those who were there for their first taste of gymnastics - andno matter how many unpointed toes, bent knees and squint landings there were, wewere all having a great time.
Hopefully, Van den Hoek's and Peerbolte's penchant for providing long passages in Greek without translation and Shimon Levy's similar penchant for providing blocks of text in unpointed Hebrew will not frighten away undergraduates and lay persons.
The sword, which he used for sporting purposes, was unpointed and blunt on both sides.
The "unpointed" sentence capable of being taken as a command to kill the king reads Edwardum occidere nolite timere bonum est.
Cantor provides the following examples, using three words that are similar in unpointed Hebrew: sam, "he placed, put, disposed"; shem, "a name"; and shamaim, "the heavens(s)." Hutchinson took sam to be a noun, meaning "the place" or "the space." Then he declared that "name" and "place" were identical.(35) Elsewhere he established a relationship between shem (place, name) and shamaim.
The format is columnar, arranging from left to right (1) the Greek New Testament quotation or allusion, (2) the Septuagint and (3) unpointed Masoretic Hebrew texts with (4) other biblical parallels or references related in some way to the New Testament passage.
An unpointed reading of clumsy lines opens up the possibility of semantic ambiguity, as in Golding's following plea to his readers:
Half the moves represented perfect performances; each of the rest included an error, such as legs bent or toes unpointed. Judges rated each move as either perfect or flawed.
The first clue consists of the hacek-shaped diacritical marks to distinguish unpointed letters from pointed ones, i.e., dalldhal and sin/shin.
It is very convenient to have all the copies of the Rule in one volume in (unpointed) Hebrew and English, with all their variants carefully annotated.