For too many months of 2004 the world saw the warlike,
unpitying face of America, caught up in a conflict it should never have started.
Dramatic sympathy thus appears still strongly weighted in his favor as, a small, starved, undaunted man, he is done to death by a huge,
unpitying, well-fed one, visibly reinforced by the menacing encirclement of no less than five henchmen.
"Senor Don Juan, yo no creo que Usted querra jamas apadrinar a essa reforma tan monstruosa, como hizo el tolondron de Juan Bowles [sic]"--since to do so is to "matar a palos la pronunciacion y la etimologia juntas." (33) What is of more interest is the fact that Baretti here applies to Bowle the term--"tolondron'--which was to serve as a leitmotif of mockery running through the work that he wrote now with such destructive and
unpitying polemical power in response to Bowle's Knight of the Ten Stars and where it would stand first in its title: Tolondron.
Marinetti, the founder of Italian futurism, was that the struggle between cultural tradition and the forces of industrial innovation was "relentless,
unpitying, and weighted in favour of the modern." His first manifesto, published in 1909 in the Parisian paper Le Figaro, argued in favor of expunging from art and literature all human sentiment in order to valorize the inhuman speed and technology of the machine age (Nicholls 85).
The immediate downside of this
unpitying commercialism is it deprives those forced to work in these establishments the opportunity to be with their families and loved ones.
As soon as they become lovers God's curse is upon them....Then against all that
unpitying universe those two poor voices rise in piteous appeal, like the cry of lost children:
I have to defend your position in AR January (p23), when you rightly stated your view on Aldo Rossi: 'thoughtful writer about the city', but in his work 'exceedingly tough, inhuman and
Much that is meritorious in Petrushevskaya's fiction lies in her fine use of the skaz technique, as her
unpitying, distanced, and impertinent narrator brings a fresh, albeit gruesome, perspective to familiar issues of gender.
by all the belligerents." The strongest motivating factor involved in the wars was not religion but nationalism, drawing on "a distant tribal past"--a tendency to view the outsider with dark suspicion and the opponent as an enemy to be rendered harmless by "total and
unpitying destruction"
From her
unpitying statements to Claudio in the prison scene--"I'll pray a thousand prayers for thy death; / No word to save thee"; "'Tis best that thou diest quickly" (3.1.145-46, 150)--she here arrives at a visceral knowledge of the reality of loss.(15)
His face is pudgy and soft, with black,
unpitying eyes sunk deep in his head, like raisins in cookie dough.
As the purse-lipped court doctor, William Sadler deftly exploits an
unpitying vein in the playwright's humor, while Brian Hutchison clanks around amusingly as an armor-clad guard, bellowing royal decrees.