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Synonyms for unnerving

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002

Synonyms for unnerving

inspiring fear

Related Words

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
I am lucky, I have a big family that visits often, grandchildren that stay over occasionally, and a wife who could moan and complain for England, but having experienced total silence, first it was a novelty, then strange and unnerving, I think I will plump for the occasional angry outburst, some old-fashioned East End GBH of the ear'ole, and the girls ganging up on me once in a while.
Jakarta [Indonesia], Dec 23 ( ANI ): An unnerving video of the devastating tsunami that struck Indonesia on Saturday night has surfaced on Twitter.
You also mentioned that the audition process is unnerving for you.
UNNERVING Ben Chaplin as the 'weasel-like' editor of The Post
With a brilliant cast, William Hurt, Katherine Parkinson, Rebecca Front and Utopia's Neil Maskell, this is both intriguing and unnerving.
It is shot with a raw and pungent sense of dread and, even though the core message that TV journalism can be a bit dodgy is hardly a revelation, Nightcrawler's dark and unnerving nastiness works.
The ABI and the NAPF raised fears over an "unnerving lack of detail" about how the guarantee will be delivered.
Back to the bad old days before the system was put in place, entrance doors were being kicked in if someone wanted access without a fob; the stairs, landings and lifts will all be a free for all for anyone and homeless people to doss in, which is quite unnerving.
There's something unnerving about the idea of a metal-jazz fusion band, but when you listen to Animals As Leaders, it makes sense.
"Her words are unnerving the BJP as they are resonating across India.
"It is unnerving and holds you in suspense throughout.
The boy found the encounter on December 4 last year "unnerving", said prosecutor Robin Turton..
It is unnerving, then, how the song drags you in without doing much else.