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Synonyms for unexpurgated

not shortened by omissions

The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Words related to unexpurgated

not having material deleted

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Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
The unexpurgated diaries illuminate the spectacular process of self-mythology for a courageous wife, lover, and artist.
It's a celebration of what it's like to be human - good and bad - in the unexpurgated and improvisatory shock of real life."
LADY CHATTERLEY'S LOVER (BBC1, tonight, 9pm) THE original novel by writer D H Lawrence was published in an abridged form in Britain in 1932 but it took another 28 years before a full, unexpurgated version hit bookshelves, leading to an infamous obscenity trial involving Penguin Books.
Not above occasional bursts of absurdist humor, Fabelo's work is an unexpurgated exploration of both the light and dark sides of the human psyche.
Medina Lasansky, from her previous works revolving around Italy, fascism, and Italian Renaissance history; but should be prepared for far more depth and a broader focus in The Renaissance Revised, Expanded, Unexpurgated, which covers the lasting social and artistic legacy of Renaissance Italy.
MIRAGES: THE UNEXPURGATED DIARY OF ANAIS NIN, 1939-1947 provides the fifty volume of Nin's unexpurgated diaries to be published by Swallow Press, appears seventeen years since the last volume in the series was published, and provides a powerful examination covering New York's evolving literary scene in the 1940s.
The new unexpurgated edition of My Life has an introduction by noted dance writer Joan Acocella.
"Djuna" can be viewed as the twin of Henry & June (1986), published as the first volume of "the Unexpurgated Diary of Anais Nin" in 1986 and cinematized by Phillip Kaufman in 1990.
Dark and troubling in the way that unexpurgated Grimm tales are, "The Apostle" may be unsuitable for the very young, but deserves exposure beyond the fest circuit, where its gospel is already spreading.
Although her constantly calling me Mickey (after the gargantuan headed rodent - see last week's column for the full unexpurgated detail) is testing my patience and has me now dreaming of giant mouse traps and Disney genocide.
I think the electorate is being deprived of the unexpurgated opinions of the candidates in this election, on the basis of an interpretation of the word 'relevant'."
Barney Rosset, who died in February at age 89, as editor of Grove Press led the successful legal battle to publish an unexpurgated edition of Lady Chatterley's Lover in 1959, as well as Henry Miller's Tropic of Cancer.
Long Beach cartel filmmaker Kevin Barnett's quest to tell an unexpurgated story of Ed Templeton's contemporary expressions appears to be gaining traction.
As a full, unexpurgated history lesson, The Iron Lady is found wanting and great swathes of Thatcher's premiership are glossed over.