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Synonyms for uncultured

  • Roget's
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The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Synonyms for uncultured

  • Roget's
  • WordNet

adj(of persons) lacking art or knowledge

Related Words

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
duCille notes that movie directors portrayed little black girls in Shirley Temple movies no better than they did adults, including Bill 'BoJangles' Johnson and Hattie McDaniel, who performed whatever tasks necessary to indulge the white central character while still manifesting the stereotype of uncultured black Americans.
'It is uncultured, unwarranted and inhuman at this crucial point in time especially for a person of former commissioner and a local government chairman on two different occasions.
Werfel soon realizes that Spurge has no interest in anything that might change his view of goblins as uncultured brutes.
The Riyadh Police issued an official post on their Twitter handle Amanatalriyadh, stating: "With regards to the incident of a municipal worker being attacked in Shuhada Park, we maintain that this is irresponsible, uncultured response.
There is a bit a wave of uncertainty in the region due to the various deep-rooted factors such as lack of friendliness, lack of growth and uncultured customs to name a few.
(Ps); Uncultured bacterium (UB) or No assigned (NA).
Another participant complaint on uncultured compatriots; she said some of the Kyrgyzstanis come to Turkey without even knowing the language and culture.
PTI - The world's oldest known cave paintings were created by Neanderthals, rather than modern humans, showing that our extinct cousins were far from being uncultured brutes as previously believed, a study has found.
It wasn't that my parents were uncultured - we watched programmes on BBC2, for Heaven's sake - but there was a feeling there was nothing there for us to see.
For this, some were quick to judge Filipino moviegoers as 'low' (of low taste or baduy) or uncultured (whatever that means).
It was found that KS1_PF and KS2_PF were similar to the KS domains of gene clusters of (uncultured bacterium) Sequence ID: AGG47970.1.
This technique, a primitive one, makes uncultured youth an easy prey in the hands of those clerics who spread the virus of Whabism that is sponsored by Saudi Arabia.
"Some in here would have us in the north painted as uncultured and without finesse - as savages - but people only think that or say that because they do not know our communities or our people.
The DGGE results indicated that bands b (uncultured bacterium) and g (uncultured Bacteroidetes bacterium) occupied the dominant positions in the modeling group and appeared in all stages.